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Canada-Saskatchewan Agreement on EA Cooperation Last modified: December 18, 2006
On November 30, 1999 the governments of Canada and Saskatchewan signed an agreement to improve federal-provincial cooperation in the environmental assessment of projects subject to both The Environmental Assessment Act (Saskatchewan) and the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. This agreement establishes administrative processes to implement the Sub-agreement on Environmental Assessment, along with the Canada-Wide Accord on Environmental Harmonization signed in January 1998.

The 1999 agreement expired in November 2004 and Canada and Saskatchewan have prepared a renewed bilateral agreement to replace it.  A public notice inviting comments on the proposed renewed agreement was advertised and comments were considered in finalizing the agreement.

Environmental Assessment Mapping Application Last modified: December 18, 2006
This interactive map application provides information on current and historic proposals and environmental impact assessments submitted to Environmental Assessment Branch in Saskatchewan. The maps and coordinates displayed on this site are for reference purposes only and are not designed to assist in navigation.

Disclaimer: The following product is a BETA Version and we welcome comment on it, some general knowledge of ArcMap may be required to fully utilize the application’s full capabilities.

Environmental Assessment Notices Last modified: December 18, 2006
Public notices on projects undergoing environmental assessment are placed here. We are trying to get feedback on each project, feel free to send comments to the address listed with the notice.

Environmental Assessment Quarterly Status Reports Last modified: December 18, 2006
EA 2006 third quarter status report provides an update of the latest proposals submitted to Environmental Assessment Branch for review and all outstanding proposals.

Review Process: Guide to understanding EA and Review Process (General) Last modified: December 18, 2006
A guide to understanding the Environmental Assessment and Review Process, these pages can help you determine if your project would require review.

Mineral Exploration Guidelines for Saskatchewan (PDF) Last modified: June 1, 2005
The Saskatchewan Mineral Exploration and Government Advisory Committee (SMEGAC) have developed the Mineral Exploration Guidelines to assist government and industry in the application and approval process for activities on land administered by Saskatchewan Environment.  This guide provides information to assist in the planning, initiation and completion of a mineral exploration program in a fashion that will help minimize environmental impacts and meet relevant legislative requirements.

Proposal Guidelines: Guidelines for the Preparation of a Project Proposal (PDF) Last modified: July 22, 2003
SE requests a project proposal when it is possible that project approval may be required under The Environmental Assessment Act.  These Project Proposals Guidelines describe information which developers should include in a project proposal for this review.

Review Process: Oil and Gas Last modified: December 18, 2006
These pages describe the environmental review and process for oil and gas exploration and development projects. The guide to proposal development explains how to prepare the screening proposal to be submitted to Saskatchewan Environment, and survey guidelines describe how to undertake the survey required for projects on Crown Land. The private land checklist (PDF) provides Saskatchewan Environments environmental-evaluation requirements for all projects (except seismic) on privately owned land. There is also a list of Saskatchewan Environments regional office contacts. EPP Guidelines(PDF) outline how to prepare an Environmental Protection Plan, and a separate list of lands requiring an EPP(PDF) identifies areas where EPPs are most likely to be required.

Review Process: Intensive Livestock Operations (Remote site) (Remote site)
Large Intensive Livestock Operations (ILOs) require approval of waste storage and management plans from Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food (SAF) under the Intensive Livestock provisions of The Agricultural Operations Act (AOA).

Workshops Last modified: December 18, 2006
There are no workshops being offered at this time.