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Rail Services

Rail Services of Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation administers and enforces The Railway Act and provides assistance and information with regard to any rail matter.

We also administer the provincial financial assistance programs through The Railway Line (Short Line) Financial Assistance Regulation for railway development and acquisition.

Rail Services provides technical assistance, advisory services and facilitation in interactions between provincial railways, shippers, federal railways, federal and provincial government agencies and road authorities. We answer the questions or concerns that you may have about provincial railway operations in the province. We are also available to assist you with general information on any rail operation, dealing with the Canadian Transportation Agency, Transport Canada and dealing with the federal railways.

Rail Services is committed to our mandate in providing the following services to our internal and external clients:

  • enforce provincial railway legislation and regulation through safety inspections, accident investigations and monitoring of railway related activities and infrastructure
  • provide technical assistance, advisory services and facilitation in interactions between provincial railways, shippers, federal railways, federal and provincial government agencies and road authorities
  • facilitate the preservation and development of a provincial railway network to provide optimum service to provincial stakeholders
  • encourage and assist in research, development and implementation of technological and operational advancement in railway safety and operations
  • administer the provincial financial assistance programs for railway development and acquisition

The members of Rail Services include:

This page updated December 2006

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