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Canadian Privacy Legislation

The Public Sector

Privacy Commissioner of Canada logoIn Canada, federal and provincial laws regulate the government's collection, use and storage of personal information by both levels of government. These laws guide the type of information the government can collect, and how such information can be used. They also allow Canadian citizens to access, challenge and correct information about ourselves.

Every province and territory in Canada (except for Newfoundland) has guidelines to protect personal information held by government departments and agencies. The provincial and territorial privacy acts guarantee individuals' rights to view and correct their personal information. The acts are administered and overseen by an independent commissioner or ombudsperson, with the authority to investigate complaints.

Canada has two federal privacy laws: the Privacy Act, and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.

The federal Privacy Act, in place since 1983, protects the personal information collected by government institutions. Essentially, the Privacy Act is a code of ethics for the government's handling of our personal information. The Privacy Act ensures that Canadians can access information collected about them, and can challenge the accuracy of the information. Under its provisions, such information should be:

  • Collected by government institutions in relation to operating programs or activities

  • Collected from the individual personally

  • Accurate and up to date

  • Subject to correction by the individual

  • Used only for the purpose for which it was originally collected

The Privacy Act is overseen by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, which has the authority to investigate complaints.

The Private Sector

The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) addresses the collection, storage and use of personal information by organizations in the private sector. Its provisions apply to information collected, used or disclosed by federally regulated agencies, such as telecommunications companies, ISPs, broadcasters, airlines and banks. PIPEDA also applies to federally regulated companies that conduct business online; and it extends to businesses in Nunavut, the Yukon and the Northwest Territories.

The law also applies to provincially-regulated private-sector organizations, such as insurance companies and retail stores, unless the province has passed "substantially similar" legislation.

At present, Quebec is the only province or territory that has been found by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada to have substantially similar legislation in place. However, Alberta and British Columbia have both passed private sector privacy legislation which came into effect on January 1, 2004, though the Privacy Commissioner has yet to determine whether or not these acts are substantially similar to PIPEDA.

PIPEDA gives individuals the right to see and correct any personal information about them collected by companies in the course of their commercial activities. These provisions state that businesses must inform consumers of who is collecting the information, why the information is being gathered, and for what purposes it will be used.

Under the law's guidelines, personal information can be collected about you only as long as it is:

  • Gathered with the knowledge and consent of the consumer

  • Collected for a reasonable purpose

  • Used only for the reasons for which it was gathered

  • Accurate and up to date

  • Open for inspection and correction by the consumer

  • Stored securely

Unlike voluntary industry codes, PIPEDA is enshrined in law, and overseen by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. All organizations in Canada are required to designate an individual to handle privacy issues and complaints. For the most part, disputes regarding the collection, storage and use of personal information should be resolved this way, between the individual and the organization.

But if the matter is not resolved satisfactorily in that manner, the individual can file a complaint with the Privacy Commissioner, who has the authority to investigate complaints regarding privacy issues—and also to publish the results of the investigation. However, this happens only rarely.

If an individual is still not satisfied with the resolution, the case can be taken to the Federal Court. If the Court rules that an organization has contravened the law, it must correct its practices. The Court can also award damages to the complainant, if warranted.

Canadian Privacy Legislation

Overview Media Violence Media Stereotyping Online Hate Electronic Privacy Media and Canadian Cultural Policies
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Privacy and Human Rights 2003: An International Survey of Privacy Laws and Developments (Electronic Privacy Information Center and Privacy International, September 2003) [PDF]

Privacy in Canada - pdf format (Ministry of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications of Japan, March 2003) 


Privacy compliance is the new priority (Globe and Mail, Nov. 10, 2000)

How to Access your Personal Information and Lodge Complaints (Privacy Commissioner of Canada)

Complaint re: Inadequate Approaches to Opt-out Consent (Public Interest Advocacy Centre)

Web Sites

Privacy Commissioner of Canada

Privacytown (Strategis)

Electronic Commerce Policy: Privacy (Industry Canada)

Access to Information and Privacy (Department of Justice)

Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (Alberta's Privacy Commissioner)

Manitoba Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario

Commission d'accès à l'information du Québec

Canadian Privacy Legislation  

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