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Legislation List Using "loans"

  A  |  C  |  D  |  F  |  H  |  M  |  N  |  S  |  T  |
  A-8.1 Reg 4 - Livestock Drought Loan Program Regulations
(Queen's Printer) under The Agricultural Credit Corporation of Saskatchewan Act
  A-8.1 Reg 5 - BSE Livestock Loan Guarantee Program Regulations
(Queen's Printer) under The Agricultural Credit Corporation of Saskatchewan Act
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  C-41.01 Reg 1 - Cost of Credit Disclosure Regulations, 2006
(Queen's Printer) under The Cost of Credit Disclosure Act, 2002
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  D-12.11 Reg 1 - Small Business Loans Association Program Regulations
(Queen's Printer) formerly under The Department of Economic Development Act, 1993 which was re-named The Economic and Co-operative Development Act (E-0.011)
  D-24.1 Reg 8 - Urban Loan Assistance Program Regulations
(Queen's Printer) under The Department of Urban Affairs Act
  D-7.1 Reg 7 - Saskatchewan Student Loan Program Regulations
(Queen's Printer) formerly under The Department of Advanced Education and Manpower Act which was repealed by The Government Organization Consequential Amendment Act, 1988, but these Regulations continue in force under The Government Organization Act.
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  F-8.001 Reg 1 - Cattle Feeder Associations Loan Guarantee Regulations, 1989
(Queen's Printer) under The Farm Financial Stability Act
  F-8.001 Reg 10 - Sheep Breeder Associations Loan Guarantee Regulations
(Queen's Printer) under The Farm Financial Stability Act
  F-8.001 Reg 11 - Sheep Feeder Associations Loan Guarantee Regulations
(Queen's Printer) under The Farm Financial Stability Act
  F-8.001 Reg 12 - Short-term Hog Loan Regulations
(Queen's Printer) under The Farm Financial Stability Act
  F-8.001 Reg 13 - Bison Feeder Associations Loan Guarantee Regulations
(Queen's Printer) under The Farm Financial Stability Act
  F-8.001 Reg 22 - Enhanced Cattle Feeder Associations Loan Guarantee Regulations
(Queen's Printer) under The Farm Financial Stability Act
  F-8.001 Reg 23 - Short-term Hog Loan Regulations, 2002
(Queen's Printer) under The Farm Financial Stability Act
  F-8.001 Reg 5 - Cattle Breeder Associations Loan Guarantee Regulations, 1991
(Queen's Printer) under The Farm Financial Stability Act
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  H-4.1 - Home Energy Loan Act
(Queen's Printer) An Act to provide Loans to Saskatchewan Homeowners for the purpose of Promoting Energy Conservation
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  M-25 - Municipal Development and Loan (Saskatchewan) Act
(Queen's Printer) An Act to implement the Provisions of the Municipal Development and Loan Act (Canada)
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  Northern Loan Company, Incorporating - UNEDITED
(Queen's Printer) 1909 CHAPTER 47 An Act to incorporate The Northern Loan Company
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  Saskatchewan Trust and Loan Company, confirming incorporation
(Queen's Printer) 1970 CHAPTER 91 An Act to confirm the incorporation of The Saskatchewan Loan and Investment Company Limited and to authorize it to carry on the business of a trust company under the name “Saskatchewan Trust and Loan Company”
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  T-22.2 - Trust and Loan Corporations Act, 1997
(Queen's Printer) An Act respecting Financing Corporations, Loan Corporations, Trust Corporations, Loan Brokers and Deposit Agents and making consequential amendments to other Acts
  T-22.2 Reg 1 - Trust and Loan Corporations Regulations, 1999
(Queen's Printer) under The Trust and Loan Corporations Act, 1997
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