Saskatchewan Environment Legislation

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  <% dim fso,f,s,p set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Function ShowFileAccessInfo(filespec) set f = fso.GetFile(filespec) lastmodified = f.DateLastModified position = Instr(1,lastmodified,"/",1) themonth = Left(lastmodified,position-1) position2 = InstrRev(lastmodified,"/",-1,1) theday = Mid(lastmodified,position+1,position2-position-1) theyear = Mid(lastmodified,position2+1,4) themonth = monthname(themonth) s = "Last modified: "&themonth;&" "&theday;&", "&theyear; Response.Write(s) ShowFileAccessInfo = s End Function %>

Saskatchewan Environment administers the following legislation and associated regulations available on line at the Queen's Printer.

The Clean Air Act (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/ Environment legislation") %>
Protects Saskatchewan's air quality by regulating emissions which originate in the province.

The Conservation Easements Act  (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Encourages private landowners, conservation organizations and governments to protect ecologically sensitive lands and natural areas through voluntary agreements.

The Ecological Reserves Act (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Protects unique, natural ecosystems and landscape features through the designation of Crown land as ecological reserves.

The Environmental Assessment Act (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Provides a mechanism for requiring and undertaking impact assessment and evaluation. Ministerial approval is required before a proponent may proceed with a development, and terms and conditions may be imposed on the approval to mitigate impacts.

The Environmental Management and Protection Act (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Protects the air, land and water resources of the province through regulating and controlling potentially harmful activities and substances. The Water Regulations, 2002 have been approved and are posted on the Queen's Printer site. For an overview of EMPA 2002 changes, please reference the attached fact sheet.

The Fisheries Act (Saskatchewan), 1994 (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Enables sustainable management of fisheries resources by affirming provincial ownership of fish, creating a provincial licensing system, and regulating allocation of fish resources, fish marketing, aquaculture, sport fishing and commercial fishing.

The Forest Resources Management Act (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Allows the department to implement a new framework for sustainably managing Saskatchewan’s forest resources.

The Grasslands National Park Act (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Ratifies and validates the Grasslands National Park Agreement and allows the province to transfer land to the federal government for inclusion in the Grasslands National Park.

The Litter Control Act (remote site)
Makes littering an offence and provides for the establishment and administration of a deposit refund system for various beverage containers.

The Natural Resources Act (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Establishes the province's mandate to manage, protect, conserve and develop renewable resources in a sustainable manner.

The Parks Act, 1997 <% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %> (remote site)
Provides authority for the management, administration and disposition of park land and park land reserves.

The Prairie and Forest Fires Act, 1982 (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Provides for the prevention, detection and suppression of prairie and forest fires originating in provincial forests, parks and on unoccupied Crown lands. It also governs compensation for conscripted fire fighters and authorizes establishment and regulation of fire bans and burning permit areas.

The Provincial Lands Act (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Creates authority for the management and transfer of Crown lands.

The Regional Parks Act, 1979 (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Allows the Minister to assist local governments and agencies in establishing regional parks and agencies to increase availability of parks to the public.

The Sale or Lease of Certain Lands Act (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Gives Cabinet the ability to place conditions on the transfer or lease of lands listed in a schedule to this Act.

The State of the Environment Report Act (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Provides for public accountability in reporting of environmental conditions and activities through the preparation and release of a State of the Environment Report every two years.

The Water Appeal Board Act (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Establishes the Water Appeal Board and enables the board to hear appeals regarding water, sewage and drainage issues.

The Wildlife Act, 1998 (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Provides for the management, conservation and protection of wildlife resources through the issuance and revocation of licences, the prosecution of wildlife offenses and the establishment of annual hunting seasons.

The Wildlife Habitat Protection Act (remote site)<% ShowFileAccessInfo("e:/") %>
Provides for the management, conservation and protection of wildlife lands and wildlife by preventing the sale and alteration of certain Crown lands.