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   Saskatchewan Finance

Annual Report
Bureau of Statistics
Budget Documents Treasury & Debt Management
Quarterly and Mid-Year Reports Tax Information Bulletins & Forms
Public Accounts Documents Public Employees Benefits Agencies Publications & Reports
Financial Administration Manual
Natural Account Manual Performance Plans
  Department of Finance Annual Report

Offers a narrative and financial overview of the operations of the Department of Finance for the previous fiscal year.
  Annual Report of the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada as filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission on Form 18-K.
  Offer financial details of the annual Provincial Budget. Published in March of each year. Documents include the Budget Book, Estimates and Supplementary Estimates.
Budget and Performance Plan Summary

  Offers an overall view of the Provincial Budget. Includes Financial Tables, as well as program highlights for the upcoming year.

  The Estimates represent the Government's financial plan for the General Revenue Fund presented to the Legislative Assembly for the fiscal year commencing April 1, and ending on March 31 of the following year. The Estimates outline the estimated expenditures, revenues, loans, advances and investments of the General Revenue Fund categorized in a manner to inform both the Members of the Legislative Assembly and the public. The Estimates are presented in accordance with The Financial Administration Act, 1993.
Supplementary Estimates

  The Supplementary Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31 represents funding provided by special warrants issued subsequent to the passage of the Main Appropriation Bill for the previous year. Supplementary Estimates are prepared and presented to the Legislative Assembly pursuant to section 14 of The Financial Administration Act, 1993.

A Plan for Growth and Opportunity:  Business Tax Reform in Saskatchewan
First Quarter Report
    Offers details of the government's financial picture on a General Revenue Fund basis as of the first quarter (April, May, June) of the fiscal year, compared to Budget. Published within 60 days of end of first quarter.
Mid-Year Report
    Offers details of the government's financial picture on a General Revenue Fund basis as of the second quarter (April - September) of the fiscal year, compared to Budget and First Quarter. Published within 60 days of end of second quarter.
Third Quarter Report
    Offers details of the government's financial picture on a General Revenue Fund basis as of the third quarter (April - December) of the fiscal year, compared to Budget and Mid-Year. Published within 60 days of end of third quarter.

All documents can be found at
Volume 1

  Volume 1 of the Public Accounts contains the General Revenue Fund financial statements, Fiscal Stabilization Fund statement, Summary financial statements, and Details of Debentures. Usually published in June/July.
Volume 2
    Volume 2 of the Public Accounts contains details on the revenue and expense and capital asset acquisitions of the General Revenue Fund, a listing of suppliers who received $50,000 or more for goods and services and capital assets during the fiscal year, and other information including financial information on the assets, liabilities and residual balances of pension plans and trust funds administered by the Government, and a listing of remissions of taxes and fees. Usually published September/October.
    The Compendium contains the financial statements of various boards, agencies, commissions, funds and Crown corporations, which are accountable to the Treasury Board. Financial Statements are added as they are laid before the Legislative Assembly.
  The Financial Administration Manual (FAM) communicates Treasury Board's policies and the Provincial Comptroller's directives to departments and public agencies. These financial policies and directives are made pursuant to The Financial Administration Act, 1993. FAM is produced by the Financial Management Branch of the Provincial Comptroller's Division of the Department of Finance, under the authority of Treasury Board.
  The Natural Account Manual provides information on the asset, liability, equity, revenue and expenditure accounts available for use in MIDAS (the Government's financial system). The manual is produced by the Financial Management Branch of the Provincial Comptroller's Division of the Department of Finance.

The Revenue Division of Saskatchewan Finance prepares a number of information bulletins and forms about the taxes and programs administered. This information explains how the Provincial Sales Tax, Fuel Tax, Tobacco Tax, Corporation Capital Tax, Liquor Consumption Tax, and other taxes apply in specific situations.
  The Saskatchewan Bureau of Statistics operates under the Saskatchewan Statistics Act 1972 and is located within the Department of Finance. The Bureau is the designated focal point for communications with Statistics Canada and dissemination of its information.
All Bureau of Statistics publications and information can be accessed through the main website at:

PEBA operates as a central body within the Department of Finance, Government of Saskatchewan to administer pension and benefit programs for employees of the Executive Government, Crown corporations and Government Funded Bodies.
All PEBA information and publications can be accessed through the main website at:
  Euro-Medium Term Note Prospectus
  The EMTN Programme enables the Province to issue debt instruments in the European capital markets.
  Australian Medium Term Note Prospectus
  Outlines where the Department is headed and what issues it is facing. This plan is supportive of government-wide priorities and lays the foundation for individual work unit plans within the Department.

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Last updated:
October 12, 2006