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Tax Information: Corporation Capital Tax

Corporation Capital Tax is imposed on corporations which have paid-up capital in excess of $10,000,000.

An additional exemption of up to $10,000,000 is available for fiscal years beginning on or after January 1, 2005.  The amount of the exemption is based upon the proportion of total salaries and wages that are paid in Saskatchewan by a taxable corporation and its associated corporations.  Paid-up capital generally includes retained earnings, capital stock, and long term debt. 

The capital tax is calculated on balance sheet values as at the fiscal year end and a return must be filed within six months after the fiscal year end. Corporations that have a capital tax liability of more than $4,800 per year must file monthly installments.

As a result of the April 6, 2006 Saskatchewan Budget, the Corporation Capital Tax rate used by corporations to calculate their Corporation Capital Tax payable, will be reduced effective
July 1, 2006 and completely eliminated on July 1, 2008. Also, the Corporation Capital Tax Resource Surcharge rate paid by a resource corporation will be reduced July 1, 2006.

Please see Rates and Revenue below for further information.


  • Bulletin Index: a listing of all bulletins relating to the Corporation Capital Tax



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Last updated:
April 5, 2006