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Producers Alerted to the Dangers of Watering Cattle on Unsafe Ice  12/15/2006
In light of the deaths of 170 cattle last week, that either drowned or died from exposure in an Alberta farm dugout, Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food is reminding producers of the danger unsafe ice poses to cattle and other farm livestock.
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Farm Transfer To Aid Economic Development For Green Lake  12/11/2006
The Government of Saskatchewan today signed a deal to transfer ownership of the Silver Lake Farm to the Northern Village of Green Lake in order to support further economic development in that area.
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Farmers Reminded of CAIS Deadlines  11/30/2006
Producers have until December 31st to file their 2005 CAIS Harmonized forms and pay their CAIS fee for the 2006 program without penalty.
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Spirit Creek Watershed Monitoring Committee

Did you know?

In 2005, the value of Saskatchewan pork exported was $107 M.
3085 Albert Street, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-5140
© 2000 Saskatchewan Agriculture and Food.