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Innovation Support Funds

The Canadian Dairy Commission is proud to announce the launching of the Direct Access Fund and the Innovation Support Fund. 

The CDC is committed to supporting an environment which fosters innovation and growth in the manufacture and use of Canadian dairy products and components. In support of these objectives, the CDC has revamped its marketing initiatives and has updated the mandate and title of its previous Dairy Ingredient Marketing Program (DIMP) to the Dairy Marketing Program. This change more accurately reflects the CDC’s commitment to supporting Canadian dairy product/component manufacturers, as well as, further processors.

Two new Funds have been created in support of innovation and technology transfer placing particular emphasis on small and medium sized companies who lack the resources, time and expertise to resolve dairy product innovation and/or product reformulation issues.

Dairy Marketing Program Information Module


The following is a link to a 90 second video presentation on the Dairy Marketing Program.

Dairy Marketing Program Video

1. Direct Access Fund

The Direct Access Fund will allow eligible companies to seek expert advice directly from a recognized food science institution for up to 7.5 hours or 1,500 dollars of free consultation on a specific project.  In the case where a company requires additional technical advice in excess of 7.5 hours, the CDC may elect to share the costs associated with the additional consultation(s) up to a maximum contribution of $1,500.

The Information Guide can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.

2. Innovation Support Fund

The Innovation Support Fund effectively serves to replace the Milk Ingredients Technical Support Program (MITSP), which was limited to further processors who required technical support and advice in re-formulating existing food recipes to incorporate Canadian dairy ingredients.  The CDC determined that the scope and eligibility requirements of the MITSP should be revised to incorporate the notion of technology and knowledge transfer at the dairy processing level as well as the food processing level.

Under the new Innovation Support Fund , grants will be made available to companies for developing new and re-formulated dairy products/components and further processed products which have the potential to expand the market for milk. The Fund will also provide financial support and expertise in the areas of product analysis, pilot scale trials and packaging techniques.

The Program Guide and Application Guide can be downloaded by clicking on the link below. You can also contact the CDC to have a copy of the Program Guide and Application Guide faxed or mailed to you.


For more information, contact:   
Shana Bailey
Marketing Officer
Tel.: (613) 792-2035
Toll free: 1-866-366-0676
Fax: (613) 792-2009


*To access PDF files, you will need and Adobe Acrobat Reader®. The Reader and instructions on how to download it are available free form the Adobe Systems Incorporated® Web site.


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Last Modified: 11/10/2006

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