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Reconstructing Haiti
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Canada continues to play an important role in international efforts to restore security and stability, and support long-term reform and reconstruction in Haiti.

In recognition of the importance of credible elections and the inauguration of a government that has the confidence of the Haitian population; Canada was at the forefront of international efforts to assist Haiti in completing its first full electoral cycle since its constitution entered into force in 1987. The successful conclusion of elections marks an important step in the democratic development of Haiti.


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President René Préval obtained the majority required to win the presidential elections held concurrently with the first round of legislative elections on February 7, 2006. An unprecedented 63% of registered voters filled in their ballots on that day, thus demonstrating the Haitian people's strong attachment to democracy. Successful first-round senatorial and parliamentary candidates competed in the second round of legislative elections on April 21, 2006. Voter turnout was lower at slightly over 30%, but still above the levels of previous elections in Haiti. Outstanding legislative (14 parliament and 1 senate seats), municipal and local elections were held on December 3.  Voter participation was in the 30% range.

The Government of Canada through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) contributed nearly $40 million for the electoral process, the work of the International Mission for Monitoring Haitian Elections, chaired by the Chief Electoral Officer of  Elections Canada, the recruitment and deployment of observers for all three rounds, and security during the electoral period. This funding also provided part of the costs for the recruitment, training and deployment of over 10,000 national observers over the electoral rounds.

Canada deployed 106 short-term observers to monitor the first round of elections held on February 7, and another 106 Canadian short-term observers for the second round on April 21. For the elections of December 3, Canada contributed 22 long-term observers and 5 technical experts The support provided for the enhancement of security during the elections included the provision of electoral security agents as well as radio repeaters and other communications equipment in addition to the deployment, since October 2005, of 25 retired Canadian police experts to enable the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) to support the Haitian National Police.

As requested by the Canadian Government, The Governor General of Canada, the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, attended the inauguration of President René G. Préval on May 14, in clear demonstration of Canada’s commitment to the stabilization and reconstruction efforts in Haiti. During her visit to Haiti (from May 13 to May 17), she met with Haitian political and business leaders, members of civil society and Women groups. Mme Jean also met with Canadian military and police members of the UN Mission, as well as other Canadians involved in development activities in Haiti.

Background Information

Since the departure of President Aristide on February 29, 2004, Canada has played an important role in international efforts to re-establish security and stability in Haiti and to assist in longer-term reform and reconstruction efforts. Haiti is now Canada's most important long-term development assistance beneficiary in the Americas, and the second largest in the world (after Afghanistan).

Canada is contributing up to 100 civilian police to the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) and a Canadian has served for two successive terms until August 2006, as UN Civilian Police Commissioner for the mission. This contribution follows on a significant Canadian Forces contribution (550 CF) to the UN mandated Multinational Interim Force which facilitated the transition to MINUSTAH. On February 15, 2007, MINUSTAH’s mandate was renewed for an eight-month period until October 2007, at which time further renewal will be considered.

Haiti's three main challenges are:

  security and justice reform;
  social and economic reconstruction; as well as
  national reconciliation and the strengthening of democratic institutions.

At the international donor conference held on July 25th in Port-au-Prince, the Government of Canada announced its contribution of $520M for the 2006-2011 period. This amount includes the $15 million (Global Peace and Security Fund) contribution for governance, security and justice initiatives announced in Port-au-Prince on June 3rd by Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter MacKay. In total, the international community has pledged $840M in funding for Haiti for the period ending December 2007.


The Conference of Montreal with the Haitian Diaspora:

In recognition of the fundamental role the Haitian Diaspora plays in the efforts to reconstruct Haiti, Canada co-ordinated the Conference of Montreal with the Haitian Diaspora in December 2004

The Conference was co-chaired by the Canadian ministers for Foreign Affairs and the Canadian International Development Agency.  

This conference brought together the various players from the Haitian Diaspora in order to:

  Acknowledge the fundamental importance of the Diaspora's role for Haiti.
  Obtain the Diaspora's support for Canada's commitment to restart the democratic process in 2005.
  Present the Interim Cooperation Framework and mobilize the Diaspora to explore various means of contributing fully to the reconstruction project in Haiti. 

The Government of Canada continues to work in close-co-operation with the United Nations UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) as well as regional organizations such as the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), and with the international community, to encourage all Haitian parties concerned to help pave the way to restore democracy and hold elections in Haiti.

The Montreal International Conference on Haiti - 2005:
Canada hosted one of three international conferences held in 2005 to ensure continued strong political commitment internationally and engagement with the Haitian interim authorities over the transition to an elected government.
Montreal International Conference on Haiti, held on June 16-17, 2005, brought together representatives of the Transitional Government of Haiti, donor countries and friends of Haiti, financial institutions, and national, international and regional organizations. Co-chaired by the governments of Canada and Haiti, the conference was intended to ensure a concerted approach to the establishment of a secure and favourable environment for the holding of democratic elections in Haiti, in the last trimester of 2005. In addition, it aimed to ensure the continued flow of resources to support the social and economic recovery of Haiti through and beyond the transition period. 

   Latest Developments

  Canada will contribute $10 million to Haiti’s National Police Reform Programme and Community Security Programme (February 5, 2007)


  Canada congratulates Haitians on the historic completion of elections (December 4, 2006)



   Video Interviews

The Importance of Haiti to Canada

Claude Boucher, Canada's Ambassador to Haiti, discusses the importance of Haiti to Canada and Canada's "whole of government" role in Haiti.

Canadian Police in Haiti

Graham Muir, Chief Superintendent in the RCMP discusses the role that Canadian police play at the UN mission Haiti.

Road Reconstruction with Canadian Funding

Jean Marie Abellard, Technical Consultant of a Haitian road construction project, discusses the scope of the project and the importance of Canada's contribution.

The Challenges Facing Haiti


Jean-Louis Roy, the President of Rights and Democracy, discusses the challenges facing Haiti and the implications for Canada and the world

   Related links

 Foreign Affairs Canada: Haiti

 Canadian International Development Agency: Haiti 

 UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti

 OAS: Situation in Haiti

 International Mission for Monitoring Haitian Elections