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Working Holidays in Canada

Are you Belgian, between 18 and 30, eager to discover Canada for up to 1 year and want to have the possibility to work?
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What's New

Canada and Belgium launch the Working Holiday Program
"By creating youth exchange programs between our countries, we not only foster a better appreciation and mutual understanding between individuals from diverse cultures, but we also help train our young people who will be tomorrrow's leaders in terms of exchanges between our two countries in the areas of trade, investment, research, education and culture," declared Ambassador Glasgow at the official launch of the Working Holiday Program. .. more

A new issue of our cultural electronic newsletter Focus Canada is available
Learn more about upcoming events in Belgium and Luxembourg involving Canadian artists. Focus Canada is published by the Embassy of Canada in Brussels. .. more

Canada welcomes further efforts to advance the Doha Round
Minister of International Trade David Emerson and Minister of Agriculture Chuck Strahl welcomed the growing efforts of WTO members to move the Doha Round forward, following an informal meeting of ministers in Davos, Switzerland. .. more

Canada to promote Canadian objectives at the World Trade Organization Meetings in Davos
Canada will work with other WTO Members in support of the objectives of the WTO Doha Development Agenda negotiations and to ensure that we remain well-positioned to advance our interests, including defending our supply managed sectors. .. more

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Spotlight on ..

Democracy Promotion eDiscussion, January 22 - March 30, 2007

Building on Canada's long history of promoting democracy abroad, the Government of Canada is looking to identify ways in which Canada can play a more active role on the world stage in promoting democratic principles. Take part in this eDiscussion as a Canadian expatriate, or find out how your International University or College can participate. ..more