Non-Canadians Gateway Toll Free Services

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Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada


Canada International - Main Site Navigation

Non-Canadians Gateway Toll-Free Services


If you can't find the information on programs and services that you've been seeking within the Non-Canadians Gateway, you can call our toll-free telephone number between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. Canadian Eastern Standard Time, Monday to Friday, and receive assistance from an information officer in your choice of English or French.


Canada and the United States


TTY/TDD 1 800 465-7735

Other Locations Around the World


The following is a list of toll-free numbers that can be used to access information on Government of Canada programs and services from locations outside Canada and the United States.


Each number must be dialed exactly as indicated below. Failures to connect may be the result of incorrectly-dialed numbers; they may also be caused by a temporary local disruption in overseas telephone service. If the name of the country from which you're calling doesn't appear anywhere in the list, you can click here to obtain a telephone number for the Canadian embassy or mission closest to you.


 CountryToll-Free Number
 ANTIGUA1 800 755 7046 
 ANGUILLA1 800 755 7046
 AUSTRIA0800 293 713
 AUSTRALIA1 800-148-443
 BELGIUM0800 78 927
 BRAZIL0 800 891 6807
 CAYMAN ISLANDS1-800-755-7046
 CHINA10800 1400337
 COLOMBIA01 800 919 7046
 COSTA RICA0800 015 0238
 DENMARK80 88 36 21
 DOMINICA1 800 755 7046
 DOMINICAN REP1 888 751 4265
 FIJI00800 7156
 FINLAND0 800 115345
 FRANCE0 800 90 26 83
 GERMANY0 800 180 0688
 GREECE00800 10 800 755 7046
 HONG KONG800 901 025
 HUNGARY06 800 14449
 ICELAND800 8694
 INDONESIA (Satelindo)008 800 105 321
 IRELANDNo listing for Ireland
 ISRAEL1800 945 7046
 ITALY800 782 097
 JAMAICA1 800 755 7046
 JAPAN00 531 160 147
 KOREA (SOUTH)00308 140283
 LUXEMBOURG800 2 9857
 MACAU0 800 403
 MALAYSIA1 800 80 4310
 NETHERLANDS0800 022 6652
 NEW ZEALAND0800 441 463
 PHILIPPINES1 800 1 110 0518
 POLAND00 800 1114443
 PORTUGAL800 819 843
 PUERTO RICO1-800-755-7046
 SINGAPORE800 1011 274
 SOUTH AFRICA0800 998209
 ST KITTS/NEVIS1-800-755-7046
 ST VINCENT1-800-755-7046
 SWEDEN020 796 983
 SWITZERLAND0 800 83 5453
 TAIWAN00 801 126443
 THAILAND001 800 15 8755 7046
 TRINIDAD-TOBAGO 1 800 755-7046
 TURKS & CAICOS1 800 755-7046
 UNITED KINGDOM00-800-169-7036
 VIRGIN IS - BRITISH1-800-755-7046
 VIRGIN IS - US1-800-755-7046