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features Deep Geological Disposal Side Event
16 September 2015 News Story

IAEA Event Features Deep Geological Disposal of High Level Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel

The scientific and technical basis for safe geological disposal of high level waste and spent nuclear fuel has been well established in several national programmes, speakers at an IAEA General Conference side event said today.

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Small Modular Reactors
16 September 2015 News Story

Small Modular Reactors Offer Option for Near-Term Nuclear Power Deployment

Small Modular Reactor (SMR) designs and technologies that are under development in many Member States offer an option for enhancing security of energy supply in both expanding and embarking countries, an IAEA meeting heard today.

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16 September 2015 News Story

Africa’s Energy Needs and the Potential Role of Nuclear Power

An increasing number of developing countries, including in Africa, are interested in adding nuclear power in their energy mix, the audience of an IAEA side event to the 59th IAEA General Conference heard today.

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16 September 2015 News Story

The Role of Nuclear Technology in the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Nuclear science and technology have made key contributions to development over the last few decades, and the IAEA is prepared to support emerging United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through its Technical Cooperation Programme.

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16 September 2015 News Story

Towards Optimal Cancer Treatment: IAEA Launches New Smartphone App for Cancer Staging

Identifying the stage of cancer quickly and accurately will become easier for health care professionals in developing countries, thanks to an IAEA-developed smartphone app launched today.

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15 September 2015 News Story

The Energy of the Future: The Status of Nuclear Fusion Research and the Role of the IAEA

Scientists are becoming increasingly excited about the prospects that within the foreseeable future a reactor can replicate the Sun’s energy source on Earth through scientific and technological innovation of a scale previously unimagined.

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15 September 2015 News Story

Botswana Ratifies Key Nuclear Security Amendment

Botswana’s ratification today of the Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material (CPPNM) brings the Amendment a step closer to entry into force.

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Taylor Wilson
15 September 2015 News Story

Atoms in Industry: The IAEA Scientific Forum Opens

Cutting-edge industrial technologies underpin the success of strong economies, in developed and developing countries alike.

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Director General Yukiya Amano

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Fukushima Status Reports

9 September 2015

Last update: 16 September 2015