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Canada in the World: Canadian International Policy
Feature Issues


Democracy Promotion at the OAS


Canada works closely with regional organizations such as the Organization of American States (OAS) as well as cross-regional organizations, including the Commonwealth and La Francophonie, to promote democratic principles among member states and foster enhanced monitoring and compliance in the area of democratic commitments.


Canada is particularly focussed on strengthening democracy in the Hemisphere through its membership in the OAS. Canada supported the creation of the Unit for the Promotion for Democracy in 1999 and is working to promote full implementation of the Inter-American Democratic Charter (adopted in 2001). The Democratic Charter is a milestone not only because it articulates the essential elements of democracy but it also signals the commitments of OAS member states to the collective promotion of democracy.


Since the adoption of the Democratic Charter, Canada has been a strong supporter of the work carried on by the OAS aimed at reinforcing democracy in the Hemisphere.  Canada has supported concrete initiatives which focus on strengthening key democratic elements such as human rights, the promotion of justice and the rule of law, free and fair elections, the engagement of civil society, and the fight against corruption.

  • Through financial contributions and human resources, Canada continues to be a strong supporter of OAS Electoral Observation Missions which aim to ensure free and transparent elections.
  • Canada provides substantial assistance to the OAS Special Mission to Haiti to further consolidate democracy in the country, in addition to bilateral development cooperation.
  • Since hosting the II Inter-American Forum on Political Parties in 2002, Canada has worked to promote the reform of political parties and party financing in the region.
  • In June 2006, Canada provided assistance through DFAIT’s Human Security Program to the OAS to hold the Forum “Democratic Stability in the Americas: The Institutional Role of the OAS” within the Framework of the General Assembly to build on learned experiences and best practices from OAS Special Missions.
  • We have supported civil society organizations to actively participate in the work of the OAS as well as the Summit of the Americas process.
  • We have supported the work of the Justice Studies Centre of the Americas (CEJA), based in Santiago, Chile, to promote judicial reform in the region.
  • Canada contributed $600,000 to the OAS to improve gender mainstreaming in the Americas.
  • Canada strengthened the capacity of the OAS in its fight against corruption by financially supporting the Follow-up Mechanism for the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption (MESICIC).
  • Through the Canadian International Development Agency’s (CIDA) Inter-American Program, Canada supports the OAS, its affiliated organizations and inter-American non-governmental organizations to strengthen their capacity and to achieve better governance, improve health and promote gender equality in the region.

Canada remains committed to working through the OAS to address on-going challenges facing democracy in the region such as uneven economic performance, corruption, weak public institutions, and steep socio-economic inequities.  An important next step for the Organization is to open a process that will assess progress achieved in meeting the commitments enshrined in the Democratic Charter.


 Permanent Mission of Canada to the OAS