January 31, 2005 (4:10 p.m. EST)
No. 19


International Trade Minister Jim Peterson today announced the beginning of public consultations to obtain Canadians’ views on the feasibility of a free trade agreement with South Korea. The initial consultation process will last until March 1, 2005. A Canada Gazette notice seeking public submissions was issued today.

“I look forward to hearing from a broad range of Canadians about what they think of expanding commercial ties with South Korea and opening up a gateway to dynamic Asia,” said Mr. Peterson. “These consultations play an important part in our policy development process and will help inform the government as it moves forward in key markets.”

The Minister added that this initiative is in keeping with Canada’s efforts to pursue a more aggressive bilateral and regional trade strategy and to take advantage of key emerging opportunities in the markets of Northeast Asia.

Specifically, the Government of Canada is seeking the views of individual Canadians, provinces and territories, key industry sectors and non-governmental organizations on the feasibility of negotiating a free trade agreement with South Korea, including any economic or social impact an agreement might have. Government-to-government exploratory talks will continue in parallel with public consultations with a view to presenting leaders with a recommendation by mid-2005 on whether to proceed with full negotiations. An initial officials-level meeting was held in Seoul, South Korea, on January 25 and 26.

In 2003, Canada exported goods worth $1.94 billion to South Korea and imported goods worth about $5.11 billion. Current and potential export growth exists in many sectors including wood pulp, mineral fuels, metals, electrical machinery, shellfish and a wide variety of agricultural products.

Prime Minister Paul Martin and South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun announced the start of exploratory talks on the feasibility of a free trade agreement on the margins of the November 2004 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in Santiago, Chile.

To view this notice or for further information on the consultations, please visit the following Web sites: http://canadagazette.gc.ca/partI/2005/20050131-x1/html/extra1-e.html, http://www.international.gc.ca/tna-nac/reg-en.asp and http://www.international.gc.ca/tna-nac/IYT/consult-regbil-en.asp#korea.

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For further information, media representatives may contact:

Jacqueline LaRocque
Director of Communications
Office of the Minister of International Trade
(613) 992-7332

Media Relations Office
International Trade Canada
(613) 995-1874