CBC New in your classroomCBC News in your classroom

Want to learn more about television news?

The fast pace. The tight deadlines. The people in the news, and the people who make the news.

Invite CBC News staff into your classroom. We'll come right to your chalkboard with a presentation about the purpose of public broadcasting

and how news works.

This presentation is geared towards students from Grade 6 and up. The lesson will explain public broadcasting and will offer a behind-the-scenes account of CBC Television News. The CBC News staff member will be equipped with a 10-minute video and a lesson plan.

Just fill out the form below and we will contact you and set a date for a presentation. Thank you for your interest. See a list of cities where the presentation is currently available.

Read feedback from other teachers.

First Name: Last Name:
E-Mail Address: Home Address:
Home Phone Number: Daytime Phone Number:
School Name: School Address:
School Phone Number: Grade Level:
City: Province:
Are you a teacher or parent? If parent, school contact name:
Date/Month Requested:

Any Additional Comments:

Please call 1-866-861-7771 for more information.

For more information on CBC educational resources, please visit cbc.ca/schools

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