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Mongolia: where a ger guarantees a loan

A Mongolian ger.

Mongolia's XacBank accepts traditional nomadic tents as pledges for loans to micro-business clients with little access to credit. An EBRD loan of $5 million signed with XacBank will increase finance to micro businesses.

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Eco-fridge revolutionises food transport

Eco-Fridge transport.

Th award-winning eco-Fridge, a refrigerated food transport system developed by Ukrainian and American scientists and backed by the EBRD, has caught the attention of major international food and trucking companies, including Nestlé Schöller and Sainsbury’s.

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15 years of building the future

Together with Chatham House, the Royal Institute for International Affairs, on 28 November, the EBRD organised a conference to mark its 15th anniversary. Entitled Transition: 15 years of building the future, the event featured panel discussions that examined the transition process. 

Conference homepage

Good moves for banks in eastern Europe

Erik Berglöf.

Eight years after the ruble crisis sent shock waves across eastern Europe's financial sector, banks in the region are bigger, stronger, better regulated, more profitable and more competitive than ever, Chief Economist Erik Berglof writes in BusinessWeek.

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Transition report 2006

Transition report.

The new Transition report studies the financial sector in transition countries. It analyses how financial systems have been restructured, their impact on the economy and private sector development, and the introduction of new financial services.

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Energy efficiency-Bulgaria - 6 Dec
ProCredit Bank Macedonia - 6 Dec
EBRD microfinance in Kosovo - 5 Dec

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Georgia property equity - 8 Dec
Kaufland Romania - 5 Dec
Russian regional jet - 27 Nov

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Slovenia strategy - 23 Nov
Kazakhstan strategy - 23 Nov
Albania strategy in Albanian (0.6Mb) - 7 Nov

Procurement contractsArchive

BIDSF - Grid Projects - 8 Dec
Alliance Bank - 5 Dec
Due Diligence Services - 5 Dec


Energy Efficiency - 8 Dec
What drives growth? - 29 Nov
TR06: Finance in transition - 14 Nov

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