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Employment in Canada
Before attempting to seek employment in Canada, there are a few things you should know and have ready to show potential employers. Remember to never leave any of the important documents with a potential employer, photocopies are acceptable.

1. Passport & Birth Certificate 
You must have your passport to show employers, this is proof of your identity.

2. Record of Landing
This is the record that shows you have landed in Canada by legal means and that you are eligible to work in Canada.

3. Social Insurance Number
Is a record number issued by the Canadian Government, a requirement for anyone who wishes to work in Canada, either permanently or temporarily.

4. Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV)
A resume or CV is a document used by most individuals in Canada when seeking employment. It is a document that lists your educational and employment history. There are many different formats for writing resume and CV’s.

5. Letters of Reference or Recommendation
Letters of Reference or letters of recommendation are good documents to have to show potential employers. They are usually written by someone in a reputable position and state that you have good qualities for employment.

Citizenship and Immigration Canada provides additional information on working in Canada at their web site.