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 Global Partnership Program

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia inherited vast quantities  of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and/or related destructive materials. In addition, tens of thousands of former weapons scientists found themselves unemployed or underemployed. The possibility of terrorists groups or countries of proliferation concern gaining access to weapons and material of mass destruction or related knowledge represents a real danger to the international community. In recognition of this threat, the G8, under Canada's leadership, launched the Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction.

Culture, Education and Youth
Canadian culture expresses the uniqueness of our country, which is bilingual, multicultural, and deeply influenced by its Aboriginal roots. The Government of Canada supports the promotion of Canadian values and cultural activities abroad through youth programs, canadian studies, scholarships and business development. This gives youth, artists and scholars the chance to showcase Canadian talent abroad, and to share our Canadian values and our way of life with the rest of the world.

Cadieux-Léger Fellowship

The Policy Research Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs Canada announces the Cadieux-Léger Fellowship 2007/8. The Cadieux-Léger Fellowship is a foreign policy research position in the Policy Research Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs which provides direct experience in a policy planning environment.