June 5, 1998 No. 147



Lloyd Axworthy, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Diane Marleau, Minister for International Co-operation and Minister responsible for La Francophonie, today announced increased assistance for Indigenous communities in Mexico. They also noted that further measures are being considered following recommendations made by five Canadian Members of Parliament, who recently travelled to the region.

"I am pleased that this parliamentary delegation was able to investigate the situation in Chiapas with the co-operation of the Government of Mexico," said Mr. Axworthy. "The delegation's first-hand look at conditions in the region has reinforced my view that dialogue, as well as the presence of responsible international observers, is crucial to reducing tensions and reaching a peaceful solution. We value the input from all parties involved and have already begun implementing some of the delegation's recommendations."

"Canada supports a number of development and humanitarian activities in the region, and is looking for ways of responding further in light of the rapidly changing situation in Chiapas," said Minister Marleau.

Ministers Axworthy and Marleau announced that Canada has agreed to increase the Canada Fund allocation for Mexico for 1998/99 to $500 000, an increase of $50 000, and to target $100 000 of the total amount to support the socio-economic development of Indigenous communities. Canada Fund projects in Chiapas in the past have focussed on areas such as food self-sufficiency, purchase of equipment for a community-based hospital, preservation of Indigenous culture and human rights workshops.

Mr. Axworthy expressed Canada's interest in sending observers to Chiapas for the local elections in October 1998, pending a formal invitation from the Mexican government. The Canadian government will also be inviting Mexico's Federal Co-ordinator for Chiapas, Mr. Emilio Rabasa, to Canada in response to a recommendation by the parliamentarians.

Finally, the ministers welcomed Mexico's recent decision to allow the International Committee of the Red Cross to resume its humanitarian work in the State of Chiapas. They stressed the importance of co-operative efforts by all parties to disarm civilian groups, and welcomed the parliamentarians' interest in continuing their discussions with Canadian non-governmental organizations active in Chiapas.

"Mr. Rabasa has offered to come to Canada and we hope that he will be able to meet with Canadian parliamentarians and non-governmental organizations," said David Kilgour, Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa), who visited Mexico last January.

Jacques Saada (Brossard-La Prairie), Daniel Turp (Beauharnois-Salaberry), David Iftody (Provencher), Diane St-Jacques (Shefford) and Dick Proctor (Palliser) visited Mexico City and Chiapas from May 8 to 12. The delegation met Wednesday with Mr. Axworthy and Mr. Kilgour to brief them on their meetings with a broad cross-section of government officials and civil society in Mexico City and Chiapas.

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For further information, media representatives may contact:

Debora Brown

Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs

(613) 995-1851

André Doren

Office of the Minister for International Co-operation and Minister responsible for La Francophonie

(819) 997-6919

Sara Mohsin

Office of the Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa)

(613) 992-9404

Media Relations Office

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

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