April 22, 1998 No. 96



Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy and Minister for International Co-operation and Minister responsible for La Francophonie, Diane Marleau, today announced new initiatives to assist in the Middle East Peace Process.

These initiatives flow from recommendations made by a recent Canadian task force to the region. The task force examined Canada's involvement in the peace process with a special focus on the humanitarian needs of Palestinians, particularly Palestinian refugees. The task force, composed of representatives from the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade and the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), was sent to the region as a follow-up to Minister Axworthy's visit to the Middle East last fall.

"Canada is building on its substantial and longstanding contribution to the peace process with these new initiatives," said Mr. Axworthy. "Our approach is to identify practical and constructive steps that demonstrate that the pursuit of peace is in the interests of all the people in the region. Canada has a unique role in the peace process as Gavel of the Refugee Working Group and that is why we have placed particular emphasis on the needs of Palestinian refugees."

Ministers Axworthy and Marleau announced the following new initiatives:

a meeting of the co-ordinating committee of the Refugee Working Group has been held recently in Canada renewing multilateral dialogue on the Palestinian refugee issue (April 19-21);

a contribution of $4 million for reconstruction efforts in Palestinian communities;

new CIDA contributions, including $2.5 million for improving municipal services in Gaza;

the establishment of a Canadian Representative Office in the West Bank/Gaza;

new efforts to accelerate the relocation of Canada Camp residents with their community in Gaza; and

an additional contribution of $575 000 to help cover the costs of moving the headquarters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) from Vienna to Gaza.

"Canada is committed to creating the conditions for lasting peace and development in the Middle East," said Madame Marleau. "By working to improve the living conditions of Palestinians, Canada is helping to build an environment where all people in the region can enjoy the fruits of peace."

Madame Marleau will follow up on these initiatives during her planned visit to the Middle East in June.

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For further information, media representatives may contact:

Debora Brown

Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs

(613) 995-1851

André Doren

Office of the Minister for International Co-operation and

Minister responsible for La Francophonie

(819) 997-6919

Media Relations Office

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

(613) 995-1874

Media Relations Office

The Canadian International Development Agency


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