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Minister Day announces the deployment of correctional experts to Afghanistan

Ottawa, February 9, 2007 — The Honourable Stockwell Day, Minister of Public Safety, announced the deployment of two correctional experts from Correctional Services Canada (CSC) to Afghanistan to support Canada's commitment in assisting Afghanistan to become a stable, democratic and self-sufficient state.

Linda Garwood-Filbert, Unit Manager, Stony Mountain Institution and Ric Fecteau, Correctional Supervisor, Edmonton Institution have been deployed to Afghanistan for a one-year assignment, effective February 2007. They will provide training and mentoring to staff and prison administrators at Sarpoza Provincial Prison in Kandahar, Afghanistan.

“I would like to commend the sacrifice that these two professionals are making to assist reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan. It was an honour for me to personally meet with them the day before they left on their important mission,” said the Hon. Stockwell Day, Minister of Public Safety. “Canadians can be proud that we are helping the people of Afghanistan establish an accountable and effective correctional system,” he added.

CSC will assist in developing the Afghan Central Prison Department. The work carried out by the CSC experts will contribute to building a long-term capacity for a safe and humane prison administration with operations and practices that meet international standards.

“Few Canadians know about the excellent work done by CSC around the world in bringing stability to the corrections systems of war-torn countries,” said the Commissioner of Correctional Service of Canada, Keith Coulter. “Contributing to the establishment of a sound correctional system respecting international standards of human rights and the Rule of Law is vital for the development and stability of any civil society.”


Media Relations
Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Canada

Mélisa Leclerc
Director of Communications
Office of the Honourable Stockwell Day
Minister of Public Safety

Suzanne Leclerc
Senior Media Relations Officer
Correctional Service of Canada