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Canadian Development Assistance in Afghanistan


Current and Ongoing Projects


 Canada’s Most Recent Development Announcements to Afghanistan




   Governance, Rule of Law and Human Rights

   Economic and Social Development

       Total Active Projects & Committed Contributions





ProjectPartner [*]DescriptionDurationContribution
Mine Action National Development Budget

United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS);


Support mine clearance, impact surveys, mine awareness, rehabilitation for victims 2005-2009 $24 million
Anti-Personnel Mine and Ammunition Stockpile Destruction GoA - Ministry of Defence Support activities to survey, collect and destroy stockpiles of mines and ammunition 2006-2008 $7 million
Disbandment of Illegal Armed Groups  

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP);

GoA - Ministry of Defence

Support activities for voluntary disarmament and disbandment of illegal armed groups 2005-2009 $7 million



Governance, Rule of Law and Human Rights


ProjectPartner [*]DescriptionDurationContribution
Support to Parliamentary Elections

Afghan Independent Election Commission (AIEC);


Support the national management of future elections and promotes the sustainability of secure electoral practices 2005-2010 $13.5 million
Support to the Establishment of the Afghan Legislature


GoA - Afghan Parliament

Assist Afghan authorities to ensure the timely establishment of the Parliament and support its functioning during its first year 2005-2007 $1.2 million
Human Rights Treaty Reporting  



Build the capacity of the government to report on six human rights treaties to which Afghanistan is a party 2004-2006 $375,000
Making Budgets Work


GoA - Ministry of Finance

Assist the Ministry of Finance to provide efficient and professional budget developing and tracking 2004-2007 $3 million
Strengthening the Rule of Law

International Development and Law Organization (IDLO);

GoA - Ministry of Justice;

Kabul University

Contribute to better access to justice, promoting legal awareness, rendering legal practice more pro fessional, and improving court procedures 2004-2007 $6.33 million
Corrections Advisor to the United Nations Assistance Mission to Afghanistan (UNAMA)

United Nations;

GoA - Ministry of Justice

Work to develop a distinct and accountable correctional service within Afghanistan’s justice system 2005-2007 $800,000
Justice Reform


GoA - Ministry of Justice

Build institutional and human rights capacity and strengthen the Afghan criminal justice system 2002-2007 $1.21 million
Women’s Rights Fund International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development (Rights & Democracy) Provide women’s rights education, leadership training, networking, information sharing, peacebuilding and participation in political processes 2003-2006 $1.75 million
Civilian Protection in Asia

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC);


Support a range of activities related to protection from and prevention of human rights abuses 2006 $1.75 million
Confidence in Government Program (Provincial Reconstruction Team)



Governor of Kandahar;

regional and provincial elected representatives;

local community leaders

Facilitate improved effectiveness and extended reach of the Afghan government’s national programs throughout Kandahar province 2005-2007 $6 million



Economic and Social Development


ProjectPartner [*]DescriptionDurationContribution
Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund

World Bank;

Asian Development Bank (ADB);


Fund basic public services including education and health (operating budgets) 2004-2010 $60 million
National Solidarity Program GoADevelop the ability of communities to identify, plan, manage and monitor their own reconstruction and development projects 2005-2010 $30 million
National Area Based Development Program - Phase II  


GoA - Ministry of Rural Reconstruction and Development (MRRD)

Implement rural development projects in 15 provinces which address needs of farmers dependent on poppy cultivation, disarmed militias, returning refugees and rural vulnerable 2005-2006 $15 million 
Western Basins Water Resources



Rehabilitate and upgrade irrigation systems and provide on-farm water management training to farmers 2006-2013 $16 million
Microfinance Program in Afghanistan

GoA - Microfinance Investment Support Facility of Afghanistan (MISFA);

World Bank

Provide financial services to the poor and vulnerable, institution building and loans 2003-2010 $52.3 million
Women’s Community Support Program

WarChild Canada;

Afghan Women’s Council

Provide women with health education, training in literacy, parenting, conflict resolution and peacebuilding, and community leadership 2004-2006 $196,000
Afghanistan Kabul Widows

CARE Canada;

World University Services of Canada (WUSC)

Provide critical food assistance to 10,000 widows and their dependents, and provide vocational training 1997-2007 $11.5 million
Socioeconomic Participation of Vulnerable Women International Development Relief Fund (IDRF) Provide training and support for poor Afghans to start up beekeeping and silkworm farming operations 2003-2006 $473,000
Kabul Procurement Marketplace Peace Dividend Trust Link the procurement needs of international agencies and companies to local suppliers 2005-2007 $340,000
Liquid Soap Plant Laboratoires Druide Inc. Support a joint-venture operation in Kabul that manufactures and markets biodegradable shampoos and liquid soaps 2004-2006 $320,000
Counter Narcotics Trust Fund (CNTF) GoASupport efforts of the government in fighting illicit drug production, and implementing the National Drug Control Strategy 2006-2009 $1.2 million
Integrated Alternative Livelihoods Program in Kandahar GoAOffer farmers viable alternatives to poppy cultivation through increased access to markets and economic and social services 2006-2010 $18.5 million

* Most Government of Canada funded development projects are implemented in partnership with the Government of Afghanistan. Where appropriate, the specific ministry(ies) or government agency(ies) is identified as implementing partner.