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The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade is committed to informing Canadians about Canada’s global role and offering them more opportunities to become involved in discussions of international policy. As such, the Department has hosted a number of online discussions with Canadians related to key foreign policy issues of concern to the Department.


 Archived eDiscussions

 Summaries and Official Departmental Responses

 Resources by eDiscussion topic

 Lessons Learned



eDiscussion Quick Facts


 eDiscussions are held twice a year - fall and winter/spring.

 Each eDiscussion has a resources section profiling the Government of Canada’s position on the issues being discussed. The resource section also includes video interviews with experts.


 University classes are invited to provide “Policy Position Papers” as input into the eDiscussion as well as content for the resource section.


 Each eDiscussion is summarized and circulated to policy makers in the Department.

 Canada is the only country to seek out citizens’ direct participation through eDiscussions in foreign policy creation.