2006 Canada-U.S. Softwood Lumber Agreement

Information on Deposit Refunds

The 2006 Canada-U.S. Softwood Lumber Agreement (the “Agreement”) entered into force on October 12, 2006.

In connection with the Agreement, the Government of Canada designated EDC as its agent to facilitate a “deposit refund mechanism” in order to accelerate the return of duties and interest owed to companies by the U.S. Government.

EDC has committed to purchase the rights to duties and interest and deliver all payments to participating companies within four to eight weeks after the companies fulfilled all conditions in the Purchase and Sale Agreement.

On October 30th - three weeks after the Agreement came into force - EDC began to refund softwood duty and interest payments to Participants who had completed and delivered the appropriate documentation required by EDC. 

Notice to Participants – October 30, 2006

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