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Le Canada dans le monde : Politique internationale du Canada
Discussions en ligne sur la politique internationale

Documents de proposition de politique de la discussion en ligne
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Document de proposition de politique par Adam Tallon, Crystal Shaw-Harvey, Esther Laderman, Tanja Manninen et Abraham Mekonnen soumis au professeure Syed Serajul Islam dans le cadre du cours "Security and Conflict Resolution" à l'Université de Lakehead. 

 Discussion en ligne ouverte du 24 jan au 31 mars, 2006

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Les opinions exprimées ne sont pas nécessairement celles du gouvernement du Canada.

Document de proposition de politique
(en anglais seulement)

Sujet: Géopolitiques et la démographie mondiale

Nom de l'Université : Université de Lakehead
Nom du cours : Security and Conflict Resolution
Nom de professeur : M. Syed Serajul Islam
Membres du groupe : Adam Tallon, Crystal Shaw-Harvey, Esther Laderman, Tanja Manninen, and Abraham Mekonnen

Summary of Group Discussion:

Issues Identified:
In order to guarantee Canadian capability in the global sphere, Canadian policies must be conscious of the following crucial issues:
 Proactive long term planning for population growth is needed
 Balance of the current economy
 Existence of weak border and immigration controls
 Investment in domestic and foreign markets
 Lack of proper immigrant population control
 There is a lack of population in rural areas contrasting with the amount of space available in rural areas
 Sustainability of modern technology and medicine in health care system

Areas of Consensus/Disagreement:

 Growth will occur if current demographic trends continue
 Sustainability of the Canadian economy is based on a global economic perspective.
 Disease preventative and health promotion will be of increased importance in the coming years
 Exportation of technology thereby ensuring Canada’s economic vitality in global markets
 That programs must be available for successful integration of immigrants to Canada
 Eradication of relative poverty that is created through urbanization and housing shortages

 Canada should act unilaterally in the trade negotiations.
 Immigration should be completely relied upon to sustain our population
 Lack of manufacturing facilities for natural resources - More manufacturing facilities are needed.
 Government enforcing coercive instruments in order to increase the birth rate

Responses to E-discussion Questions:

Shift in Balance of Power?
 The balance of power will once again become bi-polar with the rise of China's influence on South East Asia
 Canada will play a large role in absorbing their excess China’s population, as Canada is a desirable destination for immigrants seeking asylum from oppressive regimes
 China will look to Canada as to how to integrate their own vast indigenous population, as Canada is quite experienced in this field

Energy Shortages?
 Conflicts will arise due to US demands for energy without a sustainable supply
 Canada has the highest uranium supply thus holding a potential power position.
 Canada will have to impose fair trade in order to make use of natural resource deposits

Canada –US Relations
 Will impact US- Canada relations slightly because the US will need to implement bilingual policies that reflect their population in addition to establishing a multicultural education curriculum
 Politics will not be significantly affected due to the fact that the white Anglo-Saxon population will continue to dominate the political spectrum
 Canada may become an advisee on language policies for the US 

New Face of Canada Foreign Policy?
 Open markets to foreign investors especially those from China and Asia Pacific
 Implementation of multicultural, language policies, investment in public and private investments that reflect the increasing number of Asia-Pacific immigrants that will be entering Canada
 Redefine foreign policy to encompass both foreign and domestic investment

Policy recommendations

 Creating streamlined parental leave thereby encouraging fertility growth in Canada in order to combat population deficiencies
 Ensuring transferable education of people entering Canada in order to allow for immigrants to be a viable cog in the integral system of Canada
 Implement a national housing strategy that will guarantee immigrants as well as Canadian residents shelter thereby attempting to combat homelessness
 Increased community based health services for aboriginal, immigrants and the elderly
 Regional external cost benefit review of health care services
 National health based cooperative information integration system
 Implementation of increased services in health care and education in rural areas

 Refusal of United States National Missile Defense system due to the fact that such an economic expenditure is not vital to Canadian society
 Agreement to trading energy in order to ensure
 Promoting fair trade globally thereby ensuring that Canada will be an economic player in the future
 Sustainable production of energy
 Investment abroad in growing markets
 Investment in manufacturing facilities within Canada

 Annual review of immigration screening process carried out by cross-cultural round table.
 Extend background requirement checks for potential immigrants
 Fortified borders in order to serve against unwanted people from entering or leaving Canada this can be done either through biometric security systems as well as increasing the number of guards in addition to arming guards
 Investigate further into the possibility of cooperation with the Russian global missile monitoring system (GMS)
 Refusal of United States National Missile Defense system, as it does not correlate with Canada’s policy of Human Security. ie could disrupt delicate balance of power and spark more proliferation of weapons.