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Corporate Social Responsability - Bribery and Corruption

Report to Parliament (October 16, 2001)

The Implementation of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, and the enforcement of the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act.

Table of Contents


This is the second Report to Parliament under the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act ("the Act"). As the First Report to Parliament was filed before the Thirty-seventh General Election 2000, this Report repeats background information on the Act and on the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions ("the Convention") for the benefit of new Members of the House of Commons and Senators who may not be familiar with the Act and the Convention.

In May 1997, the OECD Ministerial meeting called for the negotiation of a binding convention to address the bribery of foreign public officials by the end of 1997, and recommended that Member States submit legislative proposals to their national legislatures to criminalize such bribery and seek their enactment by the end of 1998. On June 21, 1997, leaders of the G7 countries (including Prime Minister Chrétien) issued a statement in Denver endorsing this approach and timetable for the OECD.

Negotiations of the Convention concluded on November 21, 1997. Canada participated actively in the negotiations and signed the Convention on December 17, 1997. Bill S-21, An Act respecting the corruption of foreign public officials and the implementation of the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, and to make related amendments to other Acts, was introduced in the Senate on December 1, 1998, and received Royal Assent on December 10 (as S.C. 1998, c.34). Canada ratified the Convention on December 17, 1998, and the Act entered into force on February 14, 1999.

The Act is intended to meet the obligations set out in the Convention and to be in compliance with the Convention. The main offence of bribery of foreign public officials represents an effort to marry the Convention wording and requirements with wording that was found already in paragraph 121(1)(a) of the Criminal Code. The Act calls for an annual report by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister for International Trade, the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General of Canada on the implementation of the Convention and on the enforcement of the Act.

The Convention came into force after five of the ten countries with the largest share of OECD exports, representing among them at least 60 percent of the combined total exports of the ten, deposited their instruments of acceptance, approval or ratification. Canada's ratification triggered the Convention's entry into force on February 15, 1999, 60 days after the deposit of Canada's instrument of ratification. To date, 34 states have signed the Convention, including all 34 original members of the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions ("the Working Group"). The Working Group comprises the 30 member states of the OECD and five non-members of the OECD: Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, and Slovenia. Slovenia, which joined the Working Group in June, 2001, at the time of writing had yet to sign the Convention but was likely to do so after the summer break. (Membership in the Working Group is a pre-requisite to signing the Convention.) Of the 34 signatory states, 33 have ratified. Because of different constitutional requirements, some of the states that have ratified the Convention have yet to implement it. Ireland has yet to ratify the Convention, but should do so soon, once its implementing legislation is in place.

Canada's Legislation

The Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act features three offences: bribing a foreign public official, laundering property and proceeds, and possession of property and proceeds. In addition, the Act would make it possible to prosecute, for example, a conspiracy or an attempt to commit the offences. It would also cover aiding and abetting in committing these offences, an intention in common to commit them, and counselling others to commit the offences.

The Act came into force as part of Bill S-21, which also amended other federal laws to combat corruption, notably the Income Tax Act and the Criminal Code.

The offence of bribing a foreign public official was added to the list of offences found in subsection 67.5(1) of the Income Tax Act to deny claiming bribe payments as a deduction. Similarly, all the offences in the Act are defined as an "enterprise crime offence" in the Criminal Code. The following sections of the Code were also added to the definition of an "enterprise crime offence": section 123, on municipal corruption; section 124, on selling or purchasing office; and section 125, on influencing or negotiating appointments or dealing in offices.

In addition, by adding the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act offences to the list of offences under section 183 of the Criminal Code, it is possible for police, through the lawful use of a wiretap and other electronic surveillance, to gather evidence in the bribery of foreign public officials cases, and in the possession and laundering of proceeds from these cases. This will assist in the investigation of these offences.

Amendments to the Act

It should be noted that Bill C-24 (An Act to amend the Criminal Code [organized crime and law enforcement] and to make consequential amendments to other Acts) was passed by the House of Commons on June 13, 2001 and at the time of writing had been referred to the Senate for consideration. Bill C-24 proposes purely technical amendments to the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act.

Clause 58 of Bill C-24 proposes the repeal of sections 4 to 7 of the Act. However, clause 12(7) proposes to amend s. 462.3 of the Criminal Code, by adding a new subsection 462.3(3) of the Criminal Code. This subsection would provide that the Attorney General of Canada may exercise all the powers and perform all the duties and functions assigned to the Attorney General by or under the Criminal Code in respect of a designated offence where the alleged offence arises out of conduct that in whole or in part is in relation to an alleged contravention of an Act of Parliament or a regulation made under such an Act, other than the Criminal Code or a regulation made under the Criminal Code. Clause 12(7) would also add a new subsection 462.3(4) of the Criminal Code. This proposed new subsection would make it clear that subsection (3) does not affect the authority of the Attorney General of a province to conduct proceedings in respect of a designated offence or to exercise any of the powers or perform any of the duties and functions assigned to the Attorney General by or under the Criminal Code

Clause 12(6) would amend subsection 462.3(1) of the Criminal Code, by defining a "designated offence". Designated offence would mean (a) an indictable offence under this or any Act of Parliament, other than an indictable offence prescribed by regulation, or (b) a conspiracy or an attempt to commit, being an accessory to, or any counselling in relation to, an offence referred to in paragraph (a) [the aforementioned indictable offences].

Clause 13 of the bill amends paragraphs 462.31(1)(a) and (b) of the Criminal Code, so that they would read:

  1. the commission in Canada of a designated offence; or

  2. an act or omission anywhere that, if it had occurred in Canada, would have constituted a designated offence.

In summary, these proposals would reorganize the statutory provisions in a consolidated way. The end result would mean that the Attorney General of Canada and the provincial attorneys general would continue to be able to prosecute possession and laundering offences in respect of the s.3 Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act offence. There would not be diminished coverage under the Convention.

Enforcement of the Act

By creating a new separate Act to deal with the corruption of foreign public officials, the federal government has allowed for federal, as well as provincial enforcement. There are some practical reasons for carrying out prosecutions federally: the Act is a federal government response to an international initiative and demonstrates Canada's commitment to its trading partners. It is also likely that prosecutions will be infrequent and require specialized knowledge in this area which could, for practical reasons, be obtained and maintained by Justice Canada. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Justice Canada has contacted provincial authorities to ascertain if there have been any provincial prosecutions under the Act. None have yet to be recorded, either federally or provincially.

Officials have been active in the business and legal community in publicizing the existence of the Act. Considerable efforts have been made to make persons aware of Bill S-21 and the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act:

  • Press releases and backgrounders were distributed on the date of introduction of Bill S-21 (December 1, 1998) and just prior (February 12, 1999) to the coming into force of the Act and the Convention. Documents were broadly distributed and posted on web sites of the Department of Justice and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (e.g. sent to business associations). Subsequent mailings were also provided to interested persons.

  • Officials have made presentations at conferences and at various meetings in Canada.

  • Consultations have taken place with the provinces and territories.

  • DFAIT has held several meeting with EDC officials to discuss their duties under the Act.

  • The Department of Justice issued a publication: The Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act: A Guide. The Guide was distributed and was posted on the web sites of the Departments of Justice and Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

  • The Act is featured in the Department of Justice's Federal Prosecution Service Deskbook, in accordance with which on or before January 1 of each year, the Senior Regional Director in each region, and in Ottawa-Hull, the Prosecution Group Head, shall forward on or before January 1 of each year, to the Senior General Counsel (Strategic Prosecution Policy Section) a report on activities with respect to the provisions of the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act.

  • The First Annual Report to Parliament is featured on the website of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, along with other material on bribery and corruption as it relates to corporate social responsibility. See:

The Second Annual report will also be made available through the Department of Foreign Affair's web site.

  • The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade is providing training for its trade commissioners and commercial officers on the Act and the Convention. Three seminars have been held to date, involving locally engaged staff from the Department's missions in Latin America, West Africa, and Asia.

Monitoring Implementation of the Convention

The Convention aims to stop the flow of bribes and, among other benefits, to remove bribery as a non-tariff barrier to trade. The Convention and the 1997 Revised Recommendation of the Council on Combatting Bribery in International Business Transactions provide for self- and mutual evaluation by Members of the OECD Working Group on Bribery in International Business Transactions (the Working Group). The aim of the review exercise is to ensure the effectiveness of national instruments to combat bribery and a level playing field. The review process is in many respects adversarial in nature.

The evaluation takes place in two phases. The first is designed to evaluate whether the legal texts through which participants implement the Convention meet the standard set by the Convention, as well as initial actions to implement the 1997 Revised Recommendation. The second phase of evaluations will study and assess the structures put into place to enforce national laws and the application of the laws and rules in practice.

The essential elements of Phase 1 reviews include: (i) preparation for consultation in the Working Group, including a reply to a questionnaire by the country being examined, which forms the basis of a provisional review by the Secretariat; (ii) consultation in the Working Group, including questions and comments from two countries that serve as lead examiners and responses by the country being examined; and (iii) adoption of a report by the Working Group. Each country report contains a review of a country's relevant laws, and an evaluation, which outlines the principal findings of the Working Group.

The Working Group has worked on an intensive basis and its output over the last two years has been impressive. Of the thirty-four original signatories to the Convention, Brazil, Chile, Ireland and Portugal and Turkey have yet to undergo their Phase 1 reviews. As other countries accede to the Convention, such as Slovenia, the Phase 1 evaluation process will be applied to them. Though the original signatories were all due to be evaluated in Phase 1 by Spring 2000, it appears Winter 2002 is now more realistic. Where countries have amended legislation in response to the evaluations they have received, such responses will be reviewed in a Phase 1 bis monitoring exercise.

Twenty-one countries, including Canada, underwent their Phase 1 evaluations before the June, 2000 OECD Ministerial. These evaluations could not be annexed to the First Report to Parliament, due to confidentiality constraints. However, the Working Group included these evaluations as part of its 2000 Report to Ministers, which was released to the public after approval by Ministers. Likewise, a further seven countries were evaluated before the May, 2001 OECD Ministerial. These evaluations were included in the Working Group's 2001 Report to Ministers.

The 28 Phase 1 country evaluations conducted and publicly available to date constitute over 1400 pages of assessment, in French and English, of members' implementing legislation. Annex A to this Report contains a list of web sites where individual country evaluations may be viewed as well as the Working Group's 2000 and 2001 Reports to Ministers. For ease of reference, Canada's review is attached as Annex B. Paper copies of the Report to Ministers and individual public country evaluations may also be obtained from the Cabinet and Parliamentary Affairs Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs by phoning 944-0389.

Canada's Phase 1 Evaluation

Canada's implementing legislation was reviewed by the Working Group July 8-9, 1999. The Working Group concluded that the Act meets the requirements set by the Convention. The Working Group also noted that some issues may benefit from further examination during the Phase 2 evaluation, such as the exemption of reasonable expenses incurred in good faith, Canada's choice not to establish nationality jurisdiction with respect to bribery of foreign public officials, payments to secure performance of any act of a routine nature from the purview of the offence and sentencing courts' discretion in imposing fines.

Phase 2 Evaluations

In addition to its other work, the Working Group over the last year has developed a questionnaire and procedures for Phase 2 evaluations, including terms of reference for on-site visits. These are attached as Annex C to this Report. The questionnaire forms the preliminary basis upon which Phase 2 evaluations will be conducted, although evaluators may ask supplementary questions in any given area. On-site visits by the Secretariat and lead examiners will constitute another major aspect of the evaluation process, and will include informal exchanges of views with key representatives of the private sector and civil society. (Each examined country will be consulted on the best manner of obtaining input from the private sector and civil society.)

On-site visits will be followed by preparation of preliminary reports, consultation on and adoption of reports by the Working Group meeting in plenary, and finally transmission of the reports to the OECD Council. When the Working Group drafted the questionnaire and procedure, Canada and other federal states stressed the importance of giving federal states sufficient time to respond to the questionnaire. As a result, the time limits for responding to the questionnaire will be fixed by the Secretariat in co-ordination with the country concerned and the two lead examiners. Phase 2 evaluations will begin with an on-site visit to Finland from September 12-14, 2001, followed by a Working Group meeting in November 2001. Phase 2 evaluations should be completed roughly by 2006.

Implementation of the Convention

Thirty-three Members of the OECD Working Group on Bribery had ratified the Convention as of the date of preparation of this report. Twenty-nine Members of the Working Group (including Canada) have had their implementing legislation evaluated as part of the peer review process. The other Members who have been evaluated include: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Mexico, Norway, the Netherlands, New Zealand*, Poland, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. (* indicates an evaluation in draft form, due to be finalized in Spring 2002 and at present confidential.) Following is a chart, based on Member submissions to the OECD, of steps taken and planned future actions by other participating countries to ratify and implement the Convention, current as of February 21, 2001:

Argentina The Argentine Republic approved the Convention by Law N° 25.319 on 18 October 2000 and deposited the instrument of ratification on 8 February 2001 with the OECD Secretary-General.

To conform to the Working Group's recommendations, a draft bill has been prepared by the Anti-corruption Office amending Article 258 bis of the penal code adapting the criminal offence of bribery of a foreign public official to the standards of the OECD Convention, and to provide an autonomous definition of "foreign public official". The draft bill has been forwarded to the secretariat of Criminal Policy for its advisory opinion; subsequently the draft will be presented to the President in order to be sent to Congress.

The secretariat of Criminal Policy from the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights is also preparing a bill on the issue of criminal liability of legal persons, in accordance with the standards of the Convention. The bill is expected to be ready by the second semester of 2001.

Australia Legislation to implement the Convention has been passed by the Australian Parliament and received Royal Assent on 17 June 1999. The instrument of ratification has been deposited with the OECD Secretary-General on 18 October 1999. The legislation came into effect on 18 December 1999.

The domestic offences of bribery have been updated and the penalties raised to those imposed on bribery of foreign public officials.

Austria The legislation implementing the Convention is in force in Austria since 1 October 1998. The First Chamber of Parliament passed the bill for ratification on 24 March 1999. The ratification process was finalised and the instrument of ratification deposited with the OECD Secretary-General on 20 May 1999.

The discussion process on reviewing the status of legal persons was started and a governmental bill is expected to be issued early next year. It is foreseen that the legislation will come into force by mid 2002. In adopting this legislation, Austria will conform to the Second Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of the Financial Interest of the European Union and other EU instruments as well as the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, signed on 13 October 2000.

Belgium Ratification and implementation of the Convention involved two different steps. With respect to revision of penal law to comply with the obligations under the Convention, the legislative proposal was passed by Parliament at the beginning of February 1999, it was published on 23 March and entered into force on 3 April. The ratification bill was adopted by Parliament on 22 April and it received royal sanction on 9 June 1999. The instrument of ratification has been deposited with the OECD Secretary-General on 27 July 1999.
Brazil Brazil ratified the Convention in 2000. The Senate approved the ratification bill on 12 June 2000. The President signed the bill on 6 August and the instrument of ratification was deposited with the OECD Secretary General on 24 August 2000. The Convention text was published in the Official Gazette on 30 November 2000.

The draft implementation bill has been submitted to Congress and tabled for discussion at the Chamber of Deputies (lower house of Congress). A rapporteur has also been appointed and a high level meeting was held with the Ministry of Justice on 21 May 2001. The Chamber of Deputies is expected to approve the implementation bill before mid-year recess; the bill will then be submitted to the Senate, which may adopt it by the end of the current year.

Bulgaria Bulgaria ratified the Convention on 3 June 1998 and deposited its instrument of ratification on 22 December 1998 with the Secretary-General of the OECD. The implementing legislation, including the definition of foreign public official, was passed by Parliament on 15 January 1999 and came into force on 29 January 1999. The text of the Convention was published in the Official State Gazette on 6 July 1999. From this date on, it is considered part of the domestic legislation.

Subsequent to the Working Group's recommendations, Parliament adopted on 8 June 2000, amendments to the Penal Code relating to the criminalisation of "offering" and "promising" of a bribe as well as the abolition of the concept of "provocation" as a defence. On 13 September 2000, a draft supplementing the Law on Administrative Offences and Sanctions whereby monetary sanctions and forfeiture can be imposed on legal persons that are found to bribe or commit some other crimes went through first parliamentary reading. On 8 February 2001, the government also submitted a draft amendment to the Penal Code whereby non-material (non-valuable) advantages are included in the scope of bribery.

Bulgaria ratified the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption (12 April 2001).

Chile The draft ratification law of the Convention was presented to the Chamber of Deputies on 5 January 1999 which approved it on 23 March 2000. The draft bill, which had been sent to the Senate on 4 April, was approved in March 2001. Chile deposited its instrument of ratification with the OECD Secretary-General on 18 April 2001.

A bill to implement the Convention has been drafted by the State Defence Council ; it has been submitted to the Ministry General of Government who forwarded it to the Ministry of Justice before submission to Parliament.

Chile has currently no provisions criminalising bribery of foreign public officials. The draft therefore establishes the offence of bribery of foreign public official, provides for a definition of "foreign public official", introduces criminal liability of legal persons as well as penalties for omissions and falsifications by companies of their books and records.

Czech Republic The draft amendment to the Criminal Code was adopted by Parliament and came into force on 9 June 1999. The ratification process was finalised and the instrument of ratification deposited with the OECD Secretary-General on 21 January 2000. The Convention entered into force internally on 21 March 2000.

An amendment to the Income Tax Act stating explicitly that bribes are not deductible expenses entered into force on 1 January 2001. A new Act on Auditors also entered into force on 1 January 2001. Accordingly, auditors have to notify immediately any indications of possible acts of bribery to the statutory and supervisory bodies of the company.

The government approved, on 9 April 2001, the legislative concept of re-codification of the Criminal Code, which will include the introduction of criminal responsibility of legal persons. The draft Criminal Code should be finalised before the end of 2002.

The Czech Republic ratified the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption (8 September 2000) and signed the Civil Law Convention (9 November 2000).

Denmark The Government submitted draft legislation on both ratification and implementation of the Convention in Spring 1999 to Parliament. The draft legislation was re-submitted to Parliament in October and went through the first reading on 27 October 1999. On 30 March 2000, the draft law to implement the Convention was adopted by Parliament and came into force 1 May 2000. The instrument of ratification was deposited with the OECD Secretary General on 5 September 2000. The legislation is publicly available, including on the Internet.
Finland The legislation for ratification and implementing legislation were approved by Parliament on 9 October 1998 and Finland deposited its instrument of ratification on 10 December 1998. The amended Penal Code entered into force on 1 January 1999. The Convention entered into force internally on 15 February 1999.
France The law authorising the ratification of the Convention was adopted on 25 May 1999 (law n° 99-424 of 27 May 1999). The National Assembly adopted the implementing legislation on 30 June 2000. France deposited its instrument of ratification on 31 July 2000. The Convention entered into force together with the implementation law on 29 September 2000.
Germany Germany ratified the Convention on 10 November 1998. The implementing legislation contained in the Act on Combating International Bribery of 10 September 1998 entered into force together with the Convention on 15 February 1999.

Legislation implementing the European anti-corruption instruments, notably the Second Protocol to the Convention for the Protection of the Financial Interest of the European Union, is under preparation.

Greece The Convention was ratified by Parliament on 5 November 1998. The implementing legislation was passed by Parliament the same day. Greece deposited its instrument of ratification on 5 February 1999.

To conform to the Working Group's recommendations, draft amendments to the implementing legislation are under preparation by the Ministry of Justice. The amendments aim at including a definition of foreign public officials by reference to Art. 1 of the Convention and to address the responsibility of legal persons in order to refer to "enterprises and legal persons" and not only to enterprises. The amendments will be submitted to Parliament at a later stage.

The Ministry of Justice circulated a questionnaire to all prosecutors' offices during the summer 2000 in order that they report back about every possible case concerning the application of the Convention.

Hungary The texts of ratification of the Convention and implementing legislation (the Amendment of the Criminal Code) were submitted to Parliament in May 1998. The text for ratification was approved on 29 September 1998 and Hungary deposited its instrument of ratification on 4 December 1998. The Amendment of the Criminal Code was passed in December 1998 and came into force on 1 March 1999.

The government adopted in March 2001 a resolution to fight corruption. This resolution is broadly designed, including measures relating to criminalisation of corruption, to political parties'' financing and accounting practices as well as public procurement rules.

Draft amendments to the penal code under preparation should be submitted to Parliament in autumn 2001. These amendments relate notably to the elimination of the defence in the case of the bribe being given upon the initiative of the foreign public official, penalties and statute of limitations, the confiscation regime and the sanctioning of legal persons.

Iceland The Icelandic government deposited its instrument of ratification on 17 August 1998 and the implementing legislation was passed by Parliament on 22 December 1998.

On 27 April 2000, the Icelandic Parliament passed legislation amending the General Penal Code. The amendments came into effect on 9 May 2000. The ceiling on the level of fines for legal persons was removed and the statute of limitations for legal persons was increased to up to five years.

Ireland The Prevention of Corruption (Amendment) Bill, 2000 is the legislation which will enable Ireland to ratify a number of Conventions dealing with corruption, drawn up by the European Union, the Council of Europe and the OECD respectively.

The Bill will criminalise corruption of, or by, foreign office holders and officials as well as national office holders and officials. It also provides that the offence of corruption will cover not only corruption of, or by, an office holder or official, but also indirect corruption e.g. where that person's spouse receives a benefit with the intention of influencing him/her. Further provisions relate to aspects of jurisdiction, corruption in office and increasing the penalties upon conviction.

The Bill has passed all stages in both Houses of the Oireachtas (Parliament).

Italy The law of ratification and implementation of the Convention was enacted by the Italian Parliament, together with three other European Union instruments against corruption and bribery, on 29 September and was published in the Official Journal on 25 October 2000. The law came into force on 26 October. The instrument of ratification was deposited with the OECD Secretary-General on 15 December 2000.

The law provides for non-criminal sanctions of legal persons - whose application is however entrusted to the penal judge. Sanctions include fines of up to Euro 1.5 million. In addition, various penalties can be imposed in most serious cases such as ineligibility, exclusion from public benefits, revocation of authorisations. This new approach will also apply to domestic corruption and some other offences by companies. The text of the decree, through which the provision on the liability of legal persons enters into force, was approved by the Council of Ministers in May 2001. On 8 June 2001, the President of the Republic and the government signed the decree. The legislative decree of 8 June, nr. 231, was published in the official gazette nr. 140 on 19 June. It will come into force on 4 July 2001, 15 days after its publication.

A code of conduct for public employees as well as a statute providing for the immediate dismissal of corrupt public officials have been published in the official gazette in April 2001.

Japan On 10 April 1998, the Government of Japan formally submitted the Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, along with its implementing legislation (amendments to the Unfair Competition Prevention Law) to the National Diet. The National Diet approved the conclusion of the Convention on 22 May 1998. The implementing legislation was adopted on 18 September 1998. The instrument of acceptance was deposited on 13 October 1998. The implementing legislation -- the Unfair Competition Prevention Law -- entered into force together with the Convention on 15 February 1999.

The Anti-Organised Crime Law, which contains provisions making money laundering an offence in relation to bribery of foreign public officials, was adopted in August 1999 and entered into force in February 2000. A new policy excluding companies involved in bribery transactions from official development assistance contracts has been adopted in April 2000.

In view of conforming to the Working Group''s recommendations, the Diet adopted a bill amending the Unfair Competition Prevention Law on 22 June 2001. Accordingly, the "main office" exception is removed and the definition of public officials in relation to public enterprises is broadened.

Korea The Korean Government formally submitted the bill to ratify the Convention along with its implementing legislation to the National Assembly in October 1998, which approved both bills on 17 December 1998. Korea deposited its instrument of ratification on 4 January 1999. Korea''s implementing legislation -- the Act on Preventing Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions - came into effect at the time of the entry into force of the Convention, i.e. on 15 February 1999.

Two draft bills were submitted to the National Assembly in November 2000. One aims at making money laundering an offence in relation to bribery of domestic and foreign public officials, the other is aimed at creating a Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) whereby financial institutions will be required to provide the FIU with information on suspicious financial transactions. The two draft bills are currently under review by the National Assembly.

Luxembourg The Chambre des Dééputéés (Parliament) approved the bill to ratify and implement the Convention on 15 January 2001. The bill was published in the Méémorial (Official Journal) on 7 February 2001 and entered into force on 11 February. The instrument of ratification was deposited with the OECD Secretary-General on 21 March 2001.
Mexico The Convention was approved by the Mexican Senate as an international treaty on 22 April 1999; on 12 May, the promulgation decree was published in the "Official Gazette of the Federation"(D.O.F.). The implementing legislation was approved by the two Chambers in Congress at the end of April, as part of a comprehensive package of reforms to the Criminal code in Mexico. The respective decree was promulgated in the D.O.F. on 17 May 1999. The instrument of ratification was deposited with the OECD Secretary-General on 27 May 1999.

To conform to the Working Group recommendations, the government is currently preparing a draft bill to fully implement the Convention.

Netherlands The bills to ratify and implement the Convention were enacted, together with three other European Union instruments against corruption and bribery, on 13 December 2000 and came into force on 1 February 2001. The instrument of ratification was deposited with the OECD Secretary-General on 12 January 2001.
New Zealand The Crimes (Bribery of Foreign Public Officials) Amendment Act 2001 implementing the Convention was passed by the Parliament and received the Royal Assent on 2 May 2001. The Act was published in the Public Act 2001 n°28 and came into force on 3 May 2001. The ratification followed the enactment of legislation and the ratification instrument was deposited with the OECD Secretary-General on 25 June 2001.
Norway After consultation with the relevant private and public authorities, at the end of May 1998, the Government submitted to Parliament the bills to ratify and implement the Convention. The amendments to the Penal Code were passed on 27 October 1998 and came into force on 1 January 1999. The instrument of ratification was deposited on 18 December 1998.

An expert committee has been established to review the current legislation and propose new legislation on bribery, including that of foreign public officials. The committee shall pay particular attention to the level of penalties as well as to the period of limitation.

Poland The ratification bill, which was approved by the two chambers of Parliament in January 2000, has received Presidential approval and has been published in the Official Journal. The instrument of ratification was deposited with the OECD Secretary General on 8 September 2000.

The implementing legislation was enacted on 9 September. It was signed by the President and published in the Official Journal on 3 November 2000. It entered into force on 4 February 2001.

The most important elements of the implementing act are the criminalisation of active and passive bribery of foreign public officials, the administrative responsibility of legal persons, the provision allowing better mutual legal co-operation, and the exclusion of companies having been found to bribe from public orders.

Portugal The Convention, which was approved and ratified by the Parliament (19 February 2000) and by the President of the Republic, is in force as national law. The instrument of ratification was deposited with the OECD Secretary General on 23 November 2000.

The draft implementing legislation has been submitted to Parliament, which approved it during a first reading on 5 April 2001. The legislation was published, after having received Presidential agreement, on 4 June in the official gazette and came into force on 9 June.

The new implementing law aims at meeting the requirements of the Convention; it is part of a more general concern to address economic and financial crime. The law covers foreign public officials, including of international organisations and foreign and national holders of political positions not considered officials. It provides for criminal sanctions for natural persons, with imprisonment ranging from 1 to 8 years and for criminal liability of legal persons. It also establishes bribery as a predicate offence for money laundering purposes.

Slovak Republic Slovak Parliament approved the ratification of the Convention on February 11, 1999. The implementing legislation, which included the amendment of the Penal Code, entered into force on 1 September 1999. On 1 November 1999, the amendment to the Code of Criminal Procedure came into effect. The instrument of ratification was deposited with the OECD Secretary-General on 24 September 1999.

Draft amendments to the Penal Code, in line with the recommendations of the Working Group, have been approved by the Parliament on 15 June and will come into force on 1 August 2001. Accordingly, the offence of bribery of foreign public official includes third parties, the level of sanctions is increased to those imposed for bribery of domestic public officials, the statute of limitations is extended to up to 5 years.

The full re-codification of the Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure will include a provision on criminal liability of legal person and a revised provision on effective regret regarding corruption. These Articles, expected to come into force in 2002, are still under preparation.

Slovenia Slovenia enacted the law authorising accession to the Convention in December 2000. The Act was published in the official gazette 1/2001 on 8 January 2001. As participant in the Working Group since June 2001, Slovenia can deposit its accession instrument with the OECD Secretary-General, which it will do in the coming days.

The Ministry of Justice started revising the anti-bribery law to fully conform with the Convention and the Working Group recommendations during Slovenia's accession examination.

The government is considering establishing by the end of the year a "Prevention of Corruption Office".

Spain The ratification law was submitted to Parliament in the fall 1998. Spain deposited the instrument of ratification with the OECD Secretary-General on 14 January 2000. On 12 January 2000, the implementing legislation was published in the State Official Journal; it came into force on 2 February 2000.

The Working Group's recommendations to fully implement the Convention are currently being examined by the Ministry of Justice.

Sweden The bill embracing the necessary amendments of Swedish legislation in order to be able to ratify and implement the Convention was passed by Parliament on 25 March 1999. The instrument of ratification was deposited with the OECD Secretary-General on 8 June 1999. The implementing legislation entered into force on 1 July 1999.
Switzerland Draft ratification and implementing legislation was approved by the upper Chamber of Parliament on 7 October 1999 and by the lower Chamber of Parliament on 9 December 1999. The law entered into force on 1 May 2000, after the mandatory three month period for possible referenda had expired and publication requirements were fulfilled. The instrument of ratification was deposited with the OECD Secretary-General on 31 May 2000.

The draft corporate liability bill was approved by the lower Chamber of Parliament (7 June 2001 ) after having been approved by the upper Chamber of Parliament (14 December 1999). The bill provides that in corruption cases penal sanctions can be imposed independently from the criminalisation of natural persons and independently from the act or the negligence of a body of the corporation. These new provisions are part of a general revision of the Penal Code, which should be finalised next spring.

The government decided in February 2001 to sign the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention. Switzerland may consider joining, at a later stage, the GRECO.

Turkey The Convention was ratified on 1 February 2000 by the Turkish Grand Nation Assembly and the ratification bill entered into force on 6 February 2000. The instrument of ratification was deposited with the OECD Secretary General on 26 July 2000.

The draft bill on the implementation of the Convention, which was approved by the Ministry of Justice and the Prime Minister, was submitted to Parliament on 3 November 2000. It has been approved by the Justice Commission and is awaiting to be scheduled for discussion by the General Assembly.

United Kingdom The United Kingdom deposited its instrument of ratification on 14 December 1998. A public discussion document on proposals for new legislation on corruption was published in June 2000. The legislation will be brought before parliament during the 2001-2002 session and is expected to be enacted before the end of the session (autumn 2002). The legislation will put beyond doubt the UK's compliance with the Convention and will give UK courts jurisdiction over UK nationals committing bribery offences abroad.

Negotiations have started to bring the Channel Isles and the Isle of Man within the scope of the Convention. Whilst these territories have indicated their willingness to do this, they need to enact new legislation to ensure their domestic laws match the provisions of the Convention.

Also, the process to bring UK''s Overseas Territories under the scope of the Convention has begun. This involves bilateral consultative process with each Territory. The UK will inform the Group of the extension of the applicability of the Convention to Overseas Territories.

The results of an independent study by consultants into financial regulation in 6 Overseas Territories (Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Montserrat and Turks and Caicos Islands) were published in October 2000 and are available from

Implementation of the recommendations is proceeding and will ensure that all the Overseas Territories fully meet international standards of financial regulation.

United States On 31 July 1998 the Senate approved both the Convention and the implementing legislation. Congress completed action on implementing legislation in October 1998 The implementing legislation was signed by the President on 10 November 1998; the ratification instrument was signed by the President on 20 November 1998. The US deposited its instrument of ratification with the OECD Secretary-General on 8 December 1998. The legislation is available on the Internet at

This site is regularly visited, and it proves to be very useful to promote the existing obligations as well as to obtain information on potential violations of the law.

Effective August 2000, the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act, expands the grounds for civil and criminal forfeiture, making the proceeds of violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) forfeitable.

The United States deposited the instrument of ratification of the Inter-American Convention on Corruption on 29 September 2000 and signed the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption (10 October 2000) as well as the GRECO (19 September 2000).

The interested US government agencies have agreed to support an amendment to the FCPA to conform the penalties for domestic and foreign bribery offences.

Annex A - Country Evaluation Web Sites

Country Web sites
Czech Republic
Slovak Republic
United Kingdom
United States
Working Group Report to Ministers Web site
June 26-27, 2000
May 16-17, 2001


Deposit of instrument of ratification/ acceptance

Entry into force of the Convention

Enactment of implementing legislation

Entry into force of implementing legislation

8 February 2001
9 April 2001
18 October 1999
17 December 1999
17 June 1999
17 December 1999
20 May 1999
19 July 1999
17 July 1998
1 October 1998
27 July 1999
25 September 1999
3 April 1999 and 3 August 1999
3 April 1999
Brazil (*)
24 August 2000
23 October 2000
22 December 1998
20 February 1999
15 January 1999
29 January 1999
17 December 1998
15 February 1999
10 December 1998
14 February 1999
Chile (*)
18 April 2001
Czech Republic
21 January 2000
21 March 2000
29 April 1999
9 June 1999
5 September 2000
4 November 2000
30 March 2000
1 May 2000
10 December 1998
15 February 1999
November 1998
1 January 1999
31 July 2000
29 September 2000
29 September 2000
10 November 1998
15 February 1999
10 September 1998
15 February 1999
5 February 1999
6 April 1999
5 November 1998
1 December 1998
4 December 1998
15 February 1999
22 December 1998
1 March 1999
17 August 1998
15 February 1999
22 December 1998
30 December 1998
15 December 2000
13 February 2001
29 September 2000
26 October 2000
13 October 1998
15 February 1999
8 September 1998
15 February 1999
4 January 1999
5 March 1999
28 December 1998
15 February 1999
21 March 2001
20 May 2001
11 February 2001
27 May 1999
26 July 1999
17 May 1999
18 May 1999
12 January 2001
13 March 2001
1 February 2001
New Zealand
25 June 2001
24 August 2001
2 May 2001
3 May 2001
18 December 1998
16 February 1999
27 October 1998
1 January 1999
8 September 2000
7 November 2000
9 September 2000
4 February 2001
23 November 2000
22 January 2001
23 May 2001
Slovak Republic
24 September 1999
23 November 1999
6 July and 16 September 1999
1 November 1999
4 January 2000
4 March 2000
2 February 2000
2 February 2000
8 June 1999
7 August 1999
25 March 1999
1 July 1999
31 May 2000
30 July 2000
22 December 1999
1 May 2000
Turkey (*)
26 July 2000
24 September 2000
United Kingdom
14 December 1998
15 February 1999
United States
8 December 1998
15 February 1999
21 October 1998

* These countries have not yet adopted implementing legislation

Annex B: Review of Canada's Implementing Legislation

Canada - Review of Implementation of the Convention and 1997 Recommendation
Link to the OECD Report

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