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<html> <head> <meta name="Generator" content="Corel WordPerfect 8"> <title>MR. PETTIGREW - CANADA EXPORT AWARD WINNERS</title> </head> <body text="#000000" link="#0000ff" vlink="#551a8b" alink="#ff0000" bgcolor="#c0c0c0"> <p>Media representatives are advised that the Minister for International Trade, Pierre Pettigrew, will announce the names of the ten winning companies of the 2001 Canada Export Awards on September 24. The Minister will present the awards in Montreal at a gala dinner held in conjunction with the Canadian Manufacturers &amp; Exporters.</p> <p><strong>Event:</strong> 2001 Canada Export Awards</p> <p><strong>Date: </strong>Monday, September 24, 2001</p> <p><strong>Time: </strong>7:00 p.m.</p> <p><strong>Location: </strong>Sheraton Centre, Ballroom, 4th floor</p> <p>1201 Ren&eacute;-L&eacute;vesque Blvd. West</p> <p>Montreal, Quebec</p> <p>For more information, please contact:</p> <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"> <tr valign="TOP"><td>S&eacute;bastien Th&eacute;berge <p>Office of the Minister for International Trade</p> <p>(613) 992-7332</p> <p>&Eacute;loi Courchesne</p> <p>Columbia Communications</p> <p>(514) 987-1707</td> <td>Media Relations Office</p> <p>Department of Foreign Affairs and</p> <p>International Trade</p> <p>(613) 995-1874</td></tr></table> </p> <p>____________________________________________________________________________</p> <p>Les repr&eacute;sentants des m&eacute;dias sont pri&eacute;s de noter que le ministre du Commerce international, M. Pierre Pettigrew, annoncera, le 24 septembre, le nom des 10 entreprises laur&eacute;ates des Prix d'excellence &agrave; l'exportation canadienne 2001. Le ministre remettra les prix aux r&eacute;cipiendaires &agrave; Montr&eacute;al, &agrave; l'occasion d'un d&icirc;ner de gala organis&eacute; en collaboration avec les Manufacturiers et Exportateurs du Canada.</p> <p><strong>&Eacute;v&eacute;nement&nbsp;: </strong>D&eacute;voilement du nom des laur&eacute;ats des Prix d'excellence &agrave; l'exportation canadienne 2001</p> <p><strong>Date&nbsp;:</strong> Le lundi 24 septembre 2001</p> <p><strong>Heure&nbsp;: </strong>19 h</p> <p><strong>Lieu&nbsp;:</strong> Centre Sheraton, Salle de bal, 4<sup>e</sup> &eacute;tage</p> <p>1201, boul. Ren&eacute;-L&eacute;vesque Ouest</p> <p>Montr&eacute;al (Qu&eacute;bec)</p> <p>Pour de plus amples renseignements, pri&egrave;re de communiquer avec&nbsp;:</p> <table border="1" width="100%" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1"> <tr valign="TOP"><td>S&eacute;bastien Th&eacute;berge <p>Cabinet du ministre</p> <p>du Commerce international</p> <p>(613) 992-7332</p> <p>&Eacute;loi Courchesne</p> <p>Communications Columbia</p> <p>(514) 987-1707</p> </td> <td>Le Service des relations avec les m&eacute;dias Minist&egrave;re des Affaires &eacute;trang&egrave;res et du <p>Commerce international</p> <p>(613) 995-1874</td></tr></table> </p> <p>September 21, 2001 No. 64/Nº 64 Le 21 septembre 2001</p> </body> </html>

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