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Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

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Canada in the World: Canadian International Policy
International Policy Discussions

Frequently Asked Questions

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Q. Who can participate?
A. The eDiscussion is open to all Canadians. Additionally we are encouraging both domestic

and international university classes and NGOs to submit a policy position paper on the

eDiscussion topic outlining policy options for the government - in reality, a policy brief.

The paper will represent either the class or the NGO and will be posted online to be used as

a resource to help frame the discussion.
Q. How does the eDiscussion impact policy decision making?
A. An eDiscussion is open for approximately eight weeks. During this time Canadians can

contribute online to the Feature Issue topic. Once the eDiscussion has concluded, the

submissions are summarized by Foreign Affairs and International Trade's Policy Research staff. The summary is then circulated inside Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) to appropriate Policy Planners throughout the department. Finally, DFAIT drafts a reply to the summary which is posted on this Web site.


Q. Is the eDiscussion a live chat where people have to post their ideas at a specific time?
A. No, you may post your views at any time but please do not post more than one commentary
per day so as to allow space for all participants to do so as well. Submissions are reviewed by the moderator before being posted online to ensure they respect the civil rules. 


Q. Where do the resources come?
A. The video interviews of independent experts are filmed by DFAIT Policy Research

staff and seek to provide a variety of differing perspectives on any given topic. Some

resources are documents produced by the Department, while the majority of links are

external, i.e. they link to external organisations or other Canadian government agencies.


Q. Will all the submissions to the eDiscussion site be available in English and French?
A. All documents provided by Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada will be available in English and French,
including the department’s “Summary of Position Papers” and the department’s response to the public’s input. We will not translate the individual postings or the position papers.  
Q. I am preparing my course outline.  Must I wait until the eDiscussion is launched to

review the resources?
A. No. Resources for the eDiscussion are made available in advance of the launch, though new
resources are posted throughout the duration of the eDiscussion.
Q. Can you provide some examples of how professors intend to use the eDiscussion in their
A. Some professors have indicated that they will be using the topic of the eDiscussion for

class debates and discussions. Others have indicated that they will use the eDiscussion as

part of the formal class participation grade. For example, students could earn a portion of

their class participation grades by participating in the moderated eDiscussion.
Q. I would like to have my class submit a position paper, but I'm worried that we won't have
enough time. Will you accept position papers later then the date posted for the submission?
A. We would prefer to receive your position papers by the advertised deadline so that the

eDiscussion participants can benefit from your views. If not, they will still be accepted

but in order to include your paper’s recommendations in the final departmental “Summary of

Position Papers”, it should be submitted to us no later than the closing day of the



Q. Can students of Canadian Studies outside of Canada participate in the moderated eDiscussions?


A. The Canadian International Policy eDiscussions are aimed at facilitating discussion amongst Canadians. We therefore strongly encourage students of Canadian Studies classes outside of Canada to submit policy position papers instead of posting to the moderated eDiscussions.



For more information on site content, please contact Sarah MacLeod (613-944-0661 or