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Canada in the World: Canadian International Policy
International Policy Discussions

Non-proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament
eDiscussion Resources
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Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) is looking to engage Canadians across the country to provide their views on the topic of Non-proliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament through our online discussion group.

Before posting to the eDiscussion group we strongly suggest you read/watch the international policy content presented on this site. We provide reports, netcasts and links to other resources to help frame our Feature Issue. 

 Join the eDiscussion (September 25 to December 1, 2006)

 eDiscussion Questions

 To participate in the eDiscussion, register

 Already registered?
Login here

 Information for Canadian Universities and NGOs
interested in participating

 Information for
International Universities and NGOs interested in participating



Feature Resources



Global Partnership Program

Through the Global Partnership Program Canada is:

 working on the destruction of chemical weapons,
 dismantling nuclear submarines

 improving the security of nuclear and other radiological materials,
redirecting former weapons scientists and
improving biosecurity and biosafety.





 Netcast Interviews

Interview with Lieutenant-General The Hon. Roméo Dallaire
Lieutenant-General The Hon. Roméo Dallaire (Ret.) discusses the elimination of child soldiers, small arms and the importance of international development. | LEARN MORE 


Interview with Dr. Hans Blix on Recommendations of the WMD Commission

Dr. Hans Blix discusses some of the recommendations of the WMD Commission including combating the spread of WMD, and the need for verification. | LEARN MORE


Interview with James Dobbins from RAND Corporation 
James Dobbins, director of the International Security and Defense Policy Center at RAND Corporation discusses disarmament, peacekeeping and the distinction between U.S. and UN led operations. | LEARN MORE 





Midterm Summary Report - Sept. 25 to Oct. 25, 2006

Non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament
eDiscussion Results. The debate up to now has been informed, thoughtful and constructive. View the key points of the discussion topics.



 Policy Position Papers


We have asked university classes to help frame the eDiscussion by providing us with a policy position paper on the discussion topic. | LEARN MORE


Canadian Universities

CoursePolicy Position Paper

 University of Ottawa

Introduction to International Relations and Global Politics (POL2103)



  Cape Breton University

Seminar in International Relations: Human Security (Political Science 430)



  University of Moncton

Introduction aux relations internationales (SCPO 2340)



(in French only)

  Carleton University

Comparative Analysis of Foreign Policy (PSCI 3605A)



 Carleton University,

Norman Paterson School of International Affairs


Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-proliferation




 Université du Québec à Montréal


Initiation au droit public (JUR 1040)


(in French only)

  Carleton University

Seminar in Public Affairs and Policy Management (PAPM 4000)






Universities AbroadCoursePolicy Position Paper

 Center for Canadian Studies at the Universidad EAFIT (Medellín, Colombia)


North American Studies


  Deakin University (Australia)Conflict, Security and Terrorism



 Universidad Central de Venezuela

(Caracas, Venezuela)


 Original Version (Spanish)


               Non-Governmental Organization                   Policy Position Paper
  Science for Peace HTML l PDF 


Press Releases - 2006

 Statement by Minister MacKay on UN Resolution on North Korea, October 14, 2006 

 Canada condemns North Korean nuclear test, October 9, 2006

 Statement by Minister MacKay on North Korea nuclear test, October 5, 2006

 Statement by Minister MacKay on UNSC resolution on Iran's nuclear program, July 31, 2006

 Canada condemns North Korean missile launch, July 5, 2006

 Statement by Minister MacKay on IAEA Director General's report to UNSC on Iran's nuclear program, April 28, 2006

 Statement by Minister MacKay on the United Nation Security Council statement on Iran's nuclear program, March 29, 2006

 Canada expresses serious concerns about Iran's resumption of uranium enrichment-related activities, January 12, 2005


Departmental Resources and Other Related Links

NACD General

 Against the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
 UN Department for Disarmament Affairs - United Nations

 Peacekeeping - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
Contribution to Peace and International Security - National Defence
 International Security Research and Outreach Program (ISROP) - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
 UN Conference on Disarmament - United Nations
 UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDR) - United Nations
 The High Level Panel On Threats, Challenges and Change - UN and Global Security - United Nations

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Disarmament

 Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Proliferation - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

 The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

 The Global Partnership Program - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
 International Atomic Energy Agency - International Atomic Energy Agency
 NATO's Nuclear Forces - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Small Arms and Light Weapons

 Conventional Weapons - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
 Human Security - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
 SafeLane: Landmines - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
 Monitoring and Reporting on Violations Against Children in War - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada 
 Children and Armed Conflict - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

 Canada-UN: Statement to the First Committee on conventional weapons - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
 Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery - United Nations
 United Nations Mine Action Service - United Nations
 Official UN Review Conference on Small Arms and Light Weapons - United Nations
 Small Arms and Light Weapons - United Nations

Chemical and Biological Weapons

 Biological Weapons and the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
 Chemical Weapons and the Chemical Weapons Convention - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada

 Canada-UN: Statement to the First Committee on chemical and biological weapons and toxins - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
 Canadian National Authority - Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
 Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons 
 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of  Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction - United Nations

 Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction - United Nations