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Canadian Success in Disarmament

Afghanistan and Canada's International Policy Canadian

Success in Disarmament

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Canada is playing an important role in supporting the duly-elected Afghan government and nascent Afghan governance institutions, including by working with other countries, the UN, NATO and various international organizations to help build Afghan capacity to provide good governance.

Canada's leadership in Afghanistan has yielded much success to date; but the work on the ground must continue, and will certainly intensify. We are contributing significantly to the consolidation of peace and improvement of human security.


The following video netcasts feature the former Canadian Ambassador to Afghanistan, Chris Alexander (2003 - 2005), discussing Canada's involvement in disarmament.

 Netcast Features:


 Heavy Weapons Cantonment 
Canada was instrumental in the process to canton heavy weapons in Afghanistan. Canadians in Kabul helped to create the momentum and will for a programme many thought impossible. Thanks to Canadian efforts, 97% of these weapons - over 12,200 tanks, heavy artillery and other weapons - are now safely secured. | 6 minutes


 Windows Media

Canada has helped to clear over one-third of an estimated 10-15 million mines laid in Afghanistan. However, as Afghanistan is one of the most mine-affected countries in the world, much work is still to be done. Follow embassy staff to a mine demolition exercise and learn more about Canada's contribution. | 4 minutes

 Windows Media

(Video players are available here: QuickTimeWindows Media)

 More Netcast Features:

Canada's Role in Southern Afghanistan
Canada's work in Afghanistan is building on our "whole-of-government approach." This includes the deployment of a Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT)), and of a Canadian contingent of some 2,500 troops to southern Afghanistan. The following video features highlight aspects of Canada's involvement in Afghanistan.

Reports from the Field
Since diplomatic relations with Kabul were re-established in January 2002, Canadians of various expertise have travelled to Afghanistan to assist local efforts in building a prosperous, sustainable, and united nation. 



Key Issues in Afghan Security
Take a drive through Kabul with security specialist Mark Sedra (see Mark's bio below) as he discusses some key questions surrounding Afghanistan's road to democracy


More Information:


 Protecting Canadians. Rebuilding Afghanistan
Canada is making important diplomatic, defenceand development contributions to the stabilization and reconstruction of Afghanistan. Our objectives are threefold: to defend our national interests, ensure Canadian leadership in world affairs, and help Afghanistan rebuild into a free, democratic and peaceful country.


Backgrounder - Canadian Forces Operations in Afghanistan, January 5, 2007