September 11, 2000 (5:45 p.m. EDT) No. 222


Minister for International Co-operation Maria Minna and Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy today announced a $10-million project to train Kosovo teachers, with a special emphasis on peacebuilding. The announcement was made by Minister Minna at the International Conference on War-Affected Children, which is being held in Winnipeg from September 10 to 17.

The contribution from the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) will be used over two years to help strengthen the education system in Kosovo. It is part of CIDA's focus on the social dimensions of peacebuilding and in response to priority needs identified in the region.

"A strong education system -- led by teachers with specialized training in peacebuilding -- is critical to the education of Kosovo," Minister Minna said. "The children and youth in the region have lived through a very traumatic experience. We have to make sure their education system -- starting with their teachers -- meets their special needs."

"Through its peacebuilding program and human security initiatives Canada is working with NGOs and local populations in Kosovo to reintegrate children affected by armed conflict," said Minister Axworthy. "These projects are aimed at improving the delivery of health and education services in Kosovo regardless of ethnicity, gender or religion. They are advancing efforts to promote peaceful coexistence and reconciliation."

The teacher-training program will emphasize a child-centred approach and will be designed to contain modules on ethnic tolerance, human rights and democracy. It will benefit Kosovo's 23 000 primary and secondary teachers, of whom almost 80 percent do not have training.

"Every penny invested in education means the right investment in Kosovo," said Jeta Dumnica, a youth from Kosovo attending the Conference.

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For further information, media representatives may contact:

Debora Brown

Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs

(613) 995-1851

Media Relations Service

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

(613) 995-1874

Robin Walsh

Office of the Minister for International Co-operation

(819) 953-3160

Media Relations Service

Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

(819) 953-6534


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