January 9, 2005 (4:45 p.m. EST)
No. 2



Foreign Affairs Minister Pierre Pettigrew and International Cooperation Minister Aileen Carroll today applauded the signing of a comprehensive peace agreement ending the decades-long civil war in southern Sudan.

“The peace settlement is a major accomplishment that marks a successful conclusion to a very difficult process,” said Minister Pettigrew. “However, peace in Sudan will not be complete until the crisis in Darfur is resolved. Canada once again calls on the parties to this conflict to respect their commitments and put an end to the terrible violence in Darfur.”

“The signing of the peace agreement should help create a more stable environment for those who are affected by this conflict and for the humanitarian workers who deliver much-needed aid,” said Minister Carroll. “We will continue to contribute to initiatives that support long-term peace in the region.”

Senator Mobina Jaffer, Canada’s Special Envoy for Peace in Sudan, represented Canada at the signing ceremony in Nairobi, Kenya. “Peace has been agreed upon in this ravaged area, but the hard work begins now,” said Senator Jaffer. “We hope the parties signing the agreement will reach out to all groups to make this peace broad-based and durable.”

Both ministers and Senator Jaffer acknowledged the contribution of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD), which sponsored the peace talks, and the invaluable efforts of the Government of Kenya in hosting the talks.

This agreement is critical, not only because it ends the civil war that has claimed millions of lives, but also because its provisions have implications for all of Sudan. The elements of the agreement that address wealth- and power-sharing should have a positive impact on the talks brokered by the African Union to end the conflict in Darfur.

The Government of Canada has for over 20 years worked to address Sudan’s underlying political problems through vigorous diplomatic efforts. Since 2003, Canada has contributed over $40 million in humanitarian assistance to Sudan through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), for the protection of those affected by the conflict and support for peacebuilding efforts. Canada has also supported the peace talks led by the IGAD.

More information on Canada’s efforts to address the conflict in Sudan can be found on Foreign Affairs Canada’s Web site at http://www.international.gc.ca/canadasudan/menu-en.asp.

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Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
(613) 995-1851

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