March 3, 1998 No. 42




Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy will attend the first Organization of American States (OAS) Washington Conference of the Americas, to be held March 5 to 6, 1998. He will join a select group of the Western Hemisphere's decision makers, academics and institutions, to exchange views on the political, social and economic development of the region.

Minister Axworthy will deliver the closing keynote address at the conference, and will meet with Dr. César Gaviria, OAS Secretary-General, Enrique Iglesias, President of the Inter-American Development Bank, and Sir George Alleyne, Executive Director of the Pan American Health Organization. Mr. Axworthy will also meet with U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy (D VT).

As well, the Minister will moderate a symposium on hemispheric issues with a group of the region's Nobel laureates that includes Colombian novelist Gabriel García Márquez, former Costa Rican President Oscar Arias, and Canadian chemist Dr. John Polanyi.

"This conference is an excellent opportunity to assess developments taking place in the hemisphere as we set the stage for the Summit of the Americas in Santiago in April," said Mr. Axworthy. "The Summit process is vital in guiding the hemisphere's economic and social evolution, and benefits greatly from the participation of key players such as the OAS."

"Canada welcomed the support of the many OAS nations that signed the international convention banning anti-personnel mines," added the Minister. "Canada also strongly supports the Central American states' declaration, announced at the December 1997 landmines conference in Ottawa, to make the region a landmine-free zone by the year 2000."

The conference agenda will closely mirror the key issues to be discussed at the Summit in April: liberalized trade in the Americas; education; human rights and democracy; and the elimination of poverty and discrimination.

Major institutions and organizations involved in the hemisphere's social, political, and trade agenda will be represented at the conference, including the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights; OAS bodies dealing with trade, social development, and the environment; the World Bank; and major academic institutions and think tanks focussed on inter-American issues.


The media program for the conference is attached.

For further information, media representatives may contact:

Debora Brown

Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs

(613) 995-1851

Media Relations Office

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

(613) 995-1874

This document is also available on the Department's Internet site:

Visit of The Honourable Lloyd Axworthy,

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada,

to the Organization of American States

Washington, D.C.


Thursday, March 5


0900 Press Accreditation, OAS Main Building

17th and Constitution, N.W.


1600 Conference of the Americas

1640 Press Assembles near the Fountain in the Atrium of the OAS Main Building

1705 Arrival of Minister Axworthy at the OAS

Photo Opportunity

Greeted by Ana O'Brien, OAS Chief of Protocol

Press is escorted to the Hall of the Americas (Second Floor) to take up positions for the "The Encounter with the Nobel Laureates of the Americas."

TV Pool Coverage

A space will be set aside for one Canadian television crew immediately in front of Minister Axworthy. Please co-ordinate in advance.

Open Coverage

1800 "The Encounter with the Nobel Laureates of the Americas"

Moderated by The Honourable Lloyd Axworthy

Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada

Hall of the Americas

OAS Main Building (Second Floor)

2030 "The Encounter with the Nobel Laureates of the Americas" concludes

Friday, March 6


1630 Conference of the Americas continues

1430 Press assembles near the Fountain in the Atrium of the OAS Main Building, 17th and Constitution, N.W.

1445 Minister Axworthy arrives at the OAS Main Building

Greeted by Ms. Ana O'Brien

OAS Chief of Protocol

Photo Opportunity

Press will be escorted into the Hall outside the office of OAS Secretary-General Gaviria, to hold. They will enter the office for a photo opportunity with Secretary-General Gaviria and Minister Axworthy, and then be escorted out.

1515 Meeting with Dr. César Gaviria, OAS Secretary-General

Office of the Secretary-General

OAS Main Building (Second Floor)

TV Pool Coverage

Following the photo opportunity in the office, press will be escorted into the Hall of the Americas to prepare for their coverage of the concluding keynote address by Minister Axworthy. Again, a spot on the riser immediately facing Minister Axworthy will be reserved for one Canadian crew. Please co-ordinate in advance.

Open Coverage

1600 Keynote address to the first OAS Washington Conference of the Americas

Hall of the Americas

OAS Main Building (Second Floor)

1645 Media Availability (Salon San Martin)