November 3, 1998 (11:30 a.m. EST) No. 251


Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axworthy and Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Lucienne Robillard today announced that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Sadako Ogata, will make an official visit to Canada from November 4 to 6.

While in Ottawa, on November 4 and 5, the High Commissioner will meet with Ministers Axworthy and Robillard, as well as with Minister for International

Co-operation and Minister Responsible for La Francophonie Diane Marleau and Minister of National Defence Art Eggleton.

"Of all the challenges to global human security, refugee issues rank among the most serious," said Mr. Axworthy. "Canada recognizes and supports the work of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, and acknowledges the tremendous contribution Mrs. Ogata has made personally as a champion for refugees everywhere. Canada has actively worked with the High Commissioner over the years to address the needs of refugees, but has also worked to find peaceful solutions to the political upheavals and civil conflicts that are so often at the root of refugee crises."

"Canada and the UNHCR believe that the best way to resolve the problems facing refugees is to ensure that they can return safely to their homes. But we also recognize that for some refugees, resettlement in a third country is the preferred option," said Madame Robillard.

Madame Robillard, who also met with Mrs. Ogata and her officials in Geneva in September, highlighted Canada's present renewal of our immigration and refugee legislation. "We are always seeking to improve our systems, and we have consulted UNHCR early in this process and much value its views. I am looking forward to friendly and productive exchanges with the High Commissioner on all common concerns, including the pressures on our refugee determination system caused by migrant trafficking of non-genuine refugee claimants."

"Through CIDA, Canada is a strong supporter of the UNHCR, helping bring timely and critical humanitarian assistance to refugees in many parts of the world," said Madame Marleau. "CIDA has provided $1.2 million to the UNHCR in recent months to assist those affected by the conflict in Kosovo. I look forward to Mrs. Ogata's assessment of the humanitarian situation there and in other places of conflict."

"The Canadian Forces have played a prominent role in humanitarian assistance operations in the former Yugoslavia, the Great Lakes region of Africa and in many other parts of the world," said Mr. Eggleton. "We consider this to be an important part of our contribution to the maintenance of peace, security and global stability. Canadian Forces personnel have served alongside the UNHCR in what have often been extremely difficult and inhospitable circumstances. We value our relationship and will continue to work together for the betterment of disadvantaged peoples throughout the world."

In Ottawa, Mrs. Ogata will also meet with senior government officials and representatives of the Immigration and Refugee Board. Mrs. Ogata will review current international refugee situations, discuss Canadian refugee policies and programs and outline her goals for her third mandate as High Commissioner.

On the evening of November 4, Mrs. Ogata will deliver the first annual lecture of the National Committee for Humanitarian Law in a public event at the University of Ottawa.

On November 6, Mrs. Ogata travels to Toronto where she will visit the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture and take part in a roundtable discussion at York University's Centre for Refugee Studies.

Mrs. Ogata's third term as High Commissioner will conclude on December 31, 2000. The UNHCR, based in Geneva, Switzerland, is mandated to protect and assist refugees and promote durable solutions to their problems.This is Mrs. Ogata's second official visit to Canada since becoming High Commissioner for Refugees in 1989.

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For further information, media representatives may contact:

Debora Brown

Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs

(613) 995-1851

Éric Tétrault

Office of the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration

(613) 954-1064

André Doren

Office of the Minister for International Co-operation and

Minister responsible for La Francophonie

(819) 997-6919

Nicole Bourget

Office of the Minister of National Defence

(613) 996-3100

Media Relations Office

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

(613) 995-1874

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