Matrikon Inc.
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Matrikon Inc.   Alarm Benchmarking & Assessment Video
Learn how to accurately measure the performance of your alarm system.

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MVP 2006   Matrikon Valued Partners Event

Australia : March 28 - 31, 2006
North America : May 8 -10, 2006

Matrikon's success is based on partnering with industry leaders world-wide to help them achieve their business goals. We invite you to join our Most Valued Partners to share insights, learn how to derive maximum value from your Matrikon products, and help shape the future of your industry with Matrikon technologies that meet your needs. Click here to learn more.

MVP2006 Australia
March 28-31, 2006
Port Stephens
NSW, Australia
   MVP2006 North America
May 8-10, 2006
Banff, Alberta

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About Matrikon
Matrikon provides complete software solutions and professional services to leaders in oil & gas, power, petrochemical, mining, pulp & paper, chemical and other industries. Our global network of offices and distributors enables Matrikon to partner with industry leaders worldwide and help them achieve operational excellence and business agility. Discover what Matrikon can do for your operation by visiting our Products and Services gateway.
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1 of 5
General News   Matrikon™ announces resignation of Shafin Kanji
General News   Matrikon™ announces Partner Growth Program
Investor News   Matrikon™ delivers record revenue and license revenue in the first quarter of 2006
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General Event   IEEE IAS/PES Edmonton Chapter
General Event   Oil Sands Supply and Infrastructure
General Event   Generation Summit
Matrikon Inc.

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