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2005/2006 Annual Report of the Western NWT Biophysical Study The Western NWT Biophysical Study was established to help ensure that baseline data necessary to assess, mitigate and monitor the environmental impacts of proposed developments in the Western NWT is available to industry, regulators, communities and government.    PDF = 1669 KB
NWT Species 2006-2010 This report is the result of on-going monitoring of the general status of NWT species to detect changes in species distribution, population numbers and potential threats to wildlife populations or habitats. Information and data included in the report is gained through both traditional and scientific knowledge and is updated every five years. The report is a valuable tool to help prioritize further assessment, monitoring and research activities.
Management of Species at Risk in the NWT:  Proposed Legislation This final consultation document outlines the major elements proposed for a new Species at Risk Act. Public consultation on the new elements of the proposed Species at Risk Act will be held over the next 30 days. Please email your comments by September 30, 2006 to sara@gov.nt.ca     PDF = 843 KB

Most recent 2005/2006 Maps:

 Bathurst and other herds                                                                      18 Nov 2006

 Cape Bathurst                                                                                         15 Nov 2006
 Bluenose West                                                                                       15 Nov 2006
 Bluenose East                                                                                        18 Nov 2006

 Beverly and adjacent herds                                                  17 Nov 2006

                                                                           Additional Caribou Migration Information

Barren-ground Caribou
Cape Bathurst Herd
Rangifer tarandus groenlandicus
© ENR- John Nagy


 Quick links

Safety in Bear Country

Safety in Grizzly and Black Bear Country

Caribou Forever – Our Heritage, Our Responsibility 
A Barren-ground Caribou Management Strategy for the Northwest Territories 2006–2010. PDF = 114 KB

NWT Species Monitoring Infobase

 Seasonal Information 

NWT Hunting Regulations

July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007

PDF = 11.01 MB

NWT Sport Fishing Regulations Guide
April 1, 2006 - March 31, 2007
PDF = 1.31 MB


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Site last updated Tuesday, December 05, 2006