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November 1996



The purpose of this report is to provide Canadians with a better understanding of Chile's approach to environmental management. Development of a modern framework for environmental protection, based on the concept of sustainable development, is underway in Chile. Through initiatives undertaken in the last three years, in particular, the establishment of Chile's National Environmental Commission (CONAMA) and the Environmental Framework Law, the groundwork has been laid for a program of comprehensive environmental management.

The credibility of the Chilean approach depends on the success of CONAMA in discharging its mandate to coordinate the development of environmental standards and regulations, to coordinate enforcement and compliance and to oversee the environmental impact assessment process. (Mandatory application of the environmental impact assessment system, currently applied on a voluntary basis, is critical to the Chile's ability to protect the environment.) As a coordinating body, without the status of a ministry, CONAMA has a tough job in advancing environmental protection in areas which have traditionally fallen within the jurisdictions of government ministries and where there are often competing interests. In the short term, additional financial and human resources, support from the ministries, and political support will be critical to CONAMA's success. In the longer term, Chile may find that the consolidation of the responsibility for environmental conservation and protection within a single environment ministry with its own voice at the cabinet table would be a more effective approach.

The modernization of Chile's environmental management system will require the completion of a major overhaul of existing environmental legislation as well as the development of new standards and regulations. In the past, there was little coherence in the development or consistency in the application of environmental laws and standards across ministries. Chile has literally hundreds of environmental laws on the books. Many of these laws are obsolete, unenforceable, contradictory or duplicative. In many cases regulations do not fulfil the intent of the law or are lacking altogether. New, up-to-date legislation is required to address some environmental problems. (For example, current legislation of industrial and domestic wastes discharged into water bodies could be improved.)

Chile is working to improve its enforcement regime. Responsibility for enforcement of environmental laws is spread throughout various government ministries and their agencies, the police force, and municipal governments. Resources, including qualified personnel, to conduct inspections, collect and analyse data, are limited across these agencies.

Canada-Chile Agreement on Environmental Cooperation

International commitments can be a positive force for environmental protection in Chile. The Canada-Chile Agreement on Environmental Cooperation, which is based on the NAFTA environmental side agreement, will have a positive impact. It promotes openness, transparency, and accountability. The Agreement contains an explicit commitment to effectively enforce environmental laws. Moreover, it provides specific remedies that can be used by citizens, non-government organizations, and the Governments of Canada and Chile to ensure the effective enforcement of environmental laws. In Chile, this commitment has created the political momentum required to modernize its environmental laws. Chile has committed to complete this task within two years of the entry into force of the Agreement.

The Canada-Chile Agreement on Environmental Cooperation also contains a commitment to cooperate on environmental matters, building on ongoing cooperative initiatives. The annual program of work, to be undertaken according to the Agreement, will promote joint initiatives in areas of mutual concern. It will facilitate access to expertise that will assist Chile in strengthening its environmental management capabilities.

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