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View or search Hansard 

The Hansard Office is responsible for the compilation of a complete and accurate verbatim record of the Debates of the House of Assembly, and of the proceedings of Committees of the House as may be required both when the House is in session and between sessions.

The Hansard Editor is Robert Kinsman.

The Hansard Office is located at:

Dennis Building
1740 Granville Street
Second floor
Phone: (902) 424-5706
Fax: (902) 424-0593

Hansard is available on line at:

Copies of individual issues of Hansard are available from:

Publications Nova Scotia
PO Box 637
Halifax, NS B3J 2T3
Phone: (902) 424-7580 or
1-800-526-6575 (toll-free within Nova Scotia)
Fax: 902-424-5599


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