Location Confirmed for More Nursing Home Beds in Cape Breton

Department of Health

April 4, 2007 8:07

Seniors in Cape Breton are another step closer to having access to 64 more nursing home beds in Sydney and North Sydney.

Two successful proponents to build the beds were announced today, April 4, by Health Minister Chris d'Entremont.

The request for proposal process for the 64 new beds closed Jan. 18 and the evaluation process resulted in two successful proponents. My Cape Breton Home for Seniors was awarded 13 residential care facility beds for Sydney and 12 for North Sydney. The Northside Community Guest Home Society was awarded 39 nursing home beds for North Sydney. The beds are expected to be open in 2008 and 2009.

"These 64 beds mean more Cape Bretoners who need long-term care will be able to stay closer to family and loved ones. These beds should also help relieve pressure on Cape Breton's hospital system," said Mr. d'Entremont.

These 64 beds are part of 125 new beds previously planned for Cape Breton. Through the Continuing Care Strategy, Cape Breton will also receive another 88 new beds from a total of 832 that will be built by 2010. This brings the total of new long-term care beds for Cape Breton to 213.

The Continuing Care Strategy is a 10-year plan to enhance and expand Nova Scotia's continuing-care system. By building on community support, increasing local solutions, and ensuring care options are available when and where they are needed, the strategy aims to create a system that supports Nova Scotians in their desire to live well in a place they can call home.


     Cape Breton residents are one step closer to more long-term

care beds.

     Health Minister Chris d'Entremont announced today (April

4th) 64 beds for Sydney and North Sydney.

     The minister says more beds will mean Cape Bretoners

who need long-term care will be able to stay closer to family and

loved ones, and that the beds should also help relieve pressure

on Cape Breton's hospital system.


Media Contact: Valerie Bellefontaine
              Department of Health
              E-mail: bellefva@gov.ns.ca