
Branch Executive
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Welcome to Nunavut

NEW! CBA-Nunavut Sections information now online.

Inuksuk - Iqaluit, Nunavut The Nunavut Branch of the CBA was introduced at the August 2003 CBA National meeting of Council in Montreal. The Branch was officially established the following month.

Pursuant to the Nunavut Branch bylaws, the objectives of the Nunavut CBA Branch are as follows:

  • to promote law reform
  • to improve the administration of justice at the local, territorial and national level
  • to promote public discussion of issues pertaining to justice and law reform; to promote equal, safe and speedy access to justice
  • to improve and promote the knowledge, skills, ethical standards and well-being of all members of the legal profession
  • to represent the legal profession at the local, territorial and national level
  • to promote and protect the interests of the members of the Branch
  • to participate in and promote public legal education
  • to recognize and take into account the unique cultural and linguistic composition of Nunavut in the development and implementation as Association and Branch programs and policies
  • to work with and, when advisable, enter into agreements with the Law Society of Nunavut for the attainment of these objects
  • to work with and promote the objects, resolutions, programs and policies of the Association

For more information about the CBA, visit To learn more about the Nunavut Branch, please browse our Web site or contact us.



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