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Conservation Services for Industrial Collections

The Institute offers a wide range of specialized conservation services for industrial collections. CCI recognizes that clients with industrial collections are in a “holding pattern” and facing difficult times. To address this situation, CCI offers a variety of unique services.

Object and Site Analysis

Industrial artifacts were not designed for static display, and some deterioration is inevitable. CCI staff can help you:

  • identify and prioritize your most urgent problems
  • prevent permanent damage with simple interventive measures
  • save money by avoiding deterioration that could lead to costly restoration work in the future


Organizations are often compelled to accept objects before they have the resources to care for them. Proper procedures can stop deterioration while resources are pending. CCI can help you protect your investments with expert advice on:

  • modern industrial packaging and coatings technology
  • pest control
  • maintenance and monitoring
  • security

Interpretive Use of Artifacts

Many clients are under pressure to offer interactive experiences with their artifacts, and many artifacts can be used for interpretation without suffering damage. The professional conservators at CCI can help you:

  • identify vulnerable components and set limitations for their use
  • instruct interpreters in safe operations
  • develop a maintenance program for each artifact

Training and Presentations

Training and educating staff and volunteers is expensive and time-consuming. CCI can:

  • provide on-site training to help overcome geographical isolation and accommodate your schedule
  • help you stay current with the latest developments in conservation
  • complement your exhibits and special events with presentations and educational courses for the public
  • combine slide lectures, evening classes, and panel discussions to meet your needs

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Last Updated: 2005-6-16

Important Notices

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