The Association for Preservation Technology International (APT) is a cross-disciplinary, membership organization dedicated to promoting the best technology for conserving historic structures and their settings. Membership in APT provides exceptional opportunities for networking and the exchange of ideas.

APT members, who hail from more than 30 countries, include preservationists, architects, engineers, conservators, consultants, contractors, craftspersons, curators, developers, educators, historians, landscape architects, students, technicians, and other persons directly involved in the application of methods and materials to maintain, conserve, and protect historic structures and sites for future use and appreciation.

The international, interdisciplinary character of APT - with its outstanding publications, conferences, training courses, awards, student scholarships, regional chapters, and technical committees - makes it the premier worldwide network for anyone involved in the field of historic preservation.


September 9, 2006
Historic Buildiing Trade Catalogs are now posted on the Site

APT is pleased to announce that an initial selection of historic building trade catalogs is now available on this web site. Go to the Technical Publications page and click on the "sampling" link near the bottom of the page.

The inaugural Practice Points article, by Ronald D. Staley, Successful Preservation Implementation: A Planned Approach to Risk Management, is now posted on the site. Information about the current issue of the APT Bulletin, and a sample article, are also posted.

Applications are now being accepted for the Rome Prize for 2007. Application deadline is November 1, 2006. Click here for more information

APT Efforts in support of Hurricane Katrina recovery, with reports from volunteer teams. Photos.

APT Bulletin articles showcase cutting-edge preservation techniques, as well as innovative applications of established restoration technologies. Communiqué, APT's electronic newsletter, enables APT members to exchange preservation information, publicize their news and awards, share project experience with colleagues, post calls for papers, and submit preservation queries to the readership. Click here for the latest available positions posted on apti.org.