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PreserveNet is designed to provide preservationists with a comprehensive database of regularly updated internet resources and current professional opportunities.  Established in 1994 by Cornell University's Michael Tomlan and Bob Pick, PreserveNet was the result of  a collaborative effort by preservation students of various universities interested in providing preservation information in what was then a new and exciting arena, the internet.  Updated and expanded in 2001 and redesigned in 2005, PreserveNet continues to utilize the many internet resources of various preservation organizations and maintains a current listing of professional and educational opportunities.

If you are aware of professional employment opportunities, organizations, conferences, etc. that you would like to see listed on this page please send an e-mail with the relevant information.

If you have information you would like to see posted on PreserveNet,
or if you simply have suggestions or comments, please e-mail us.

site last updated 12/12/06
economics legal employment awards education links