Family history, trees and genealogy

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This family history information website is dedicated to providing real life information on the most frequently searched topics on family history, family trees and genealogy. There are many sources to find similar information on these topics and this site will help provide theseresources to you. You can navigate this site by clicking a main topic of discussion at the top - this will then give you the ability to read more discussions. Please spend some time here and review our pages. If you like it, please link to us!

Here is a great example of a general family history discussion:
Taking a Family History (for Medical Reasons)
go to the web page to see a sample family tree

Your family history holds key information about your past and clues to your
future health. Many of your physical traits (such as eye color, hair color, and

height) are inherited. So, too, are risks for certain genetic conditions and
health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. You may
have noticed that some of your relatives are healthier and live longer than
relatives. You may also have noticed that some relatives have the same health

By collecting your family's health history, you can learn what health
problems you may be at increased risk for in the future and how to reduce your
For instance, people at increased risk for heart disease may be able to
reduce their risk through not smoking, regular exercise and diet. Finding out
family history can benefit both you and your relatives ... and it can be fun


You can collect your family history by talking to your relatives. Start with
your parents if they are living. Older relatives are often good sources of
information. Some relatives may not want to share their medical histories or
may not know their family history. However, whatever information you discover
will be helpful. Vacations, holidays and family reunions can be good times to
collect this information. As each generation ages, important information can
be forgotten or lost - so now is the time to start your project! If you are
adopted, you may be able to learn some of your family history through the
parent(s) that adopted you or from adoption agency records.

Additional Sources of Information

Check whether your family has existing family trees, charts, listings of
family members. Information may be recorded in baby books, birthday date books,
a family bible. Medical records are helpful but may be harder to obtain.
There are offices in each state that have records of births, marriages and
You can call the "County Clerk" office where you live (look in the
"Government" section of the phone book) to find out how to get copies of these
In addition, there are websites that have helpful resources for putting
together family trees that you can find by searching for "genealogy." It is
important to collect accurate information, so verify the medical history


One way to record a family history is by drawing a family tree called a
"pedigree." We have instructions for drawing a family tree. You can also create
keep a written list of this information without drawing a pedigree. Either
way, begin by writing down the medical and health information on:

" Yourself
" Your brothers and sisters
" Your children
" Your parents

Then go back a generation at a time. Include:
" Nieces and nephews
" Aunts and uncles
" Grandparents
" Cousins

For each relative, try to write down as many of these items as possible:
" Age or date of birth (and, for all family members who have passed on, age
at death and cause of death). When the information is unavailable, write down
your best guess (for example, "40s").

" Medical problems such as:
Heart disease
Mental illness
High blood pressure
Kidney disease

Note the ages at which the conditions occurred. Did Uncle Pete have his heart
attack at age 42 or age 88? Did your mother develop diabetes in childhood or
as an adult?

" Birth defects such as spina bifida, cleft lip, heart defects, others.

" Learning problems, mental retardation.

" Vision loss/hearing loss at a young age (remember to record the age it

" For family members with known medical problems, jot down if they smoked,
their diet and exercise habits, and if they were overweight. (for example, you
could note that your brother John, who had a heart attack at age 40, weighs
300 lbs and smokes 2 packs a day).

After you draw your family tree, above your mother's side of the family tree
write down where her family members came from (for example, England, Germany,
Africa, ...); then do the same for your father's side of the family. This
information can be helpful because some genetic health problems occur more
in specific ethnic groups.


You should keep your family tree in a safe place and update it every couple
of years (or update it at a regular family gathering, such as Thanksgiving).
You can share a copy with your doctor, who may find it helpful in caring for
your health. If you have concerns about your family history, you may wish to
a genetics specialist. To find genetics professionals in your area, contact
the National Society of Genetic Counselors, GeneClinics, or the American
of Human Genetics.