
News & Updates                                                                 Updated:  October 5, 2006

Welcome to the BC Museums Association's interactive website... 

UPDATES!  Federal Government Cuts $1 Billion, 66 Programs: MAP $4.63 million, Youth Employment Programs $55.4 million
(September 25, 2006) - Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty and Treasury Board president John Baird announced $1 billion in savings over the next two years by cutting or trimming 66 federal programs, citing "numerous examples of waste and duplication", while heralding a budget surplus of $13.2 billion--all of which has been applied to Canada's accumulated debt to save an estimated $630 million in interest payments. Affected programs include Canadian Heritage's "Museums Assistance Program" (MAP), the primary federal funding program for Canadian museums, by $2.3 million in each of the next two years. Introduced in 1972, MAP's original $9 million budget has never been increased and is part of the federal museums policy that is now over 30 years old.

Also affected, and having an even greater impact than MAP cuts, are cuts to youth employment programs including Summer Career Placement and Young Canada Works, ($55.4 million). Small museums across Canada have routinely utilized these programs to help run summer visitor and local public programs.

The announcement has unleashed a loud outcry from BC museums and the BCMA and a flurry of media stories. For complete Tory government cutback details, visit: CBC News

Considerable response is being posted hourly to BCMA-L listserv...Watch for Updates...

Review the Rick Mercer Report - click on Museum Assistance Program.
(from Tuesday, October 3; for re-broadcast Friday, October 6). 
You willl be prompted to select a format to review this recorded broadcast).
UPDATE!:  Read the Globe & Mail editorial on Museums, from October 5.

UPDATE!:  Heritage Committee Votes to Restore MAP Funding
(Oct. 5)  Yesterday, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage passed three motions related to the Museums Assistance Program cuts and a new Canadian Museums Policy. Read the CMA Communique...

UPDATE: Less than Two Weeks 
to Go! Get Your
2006 Program 
Here &
Register Now! 
Registration for our 50th annual provincial Conference 2006: Fit at Fifty - Grow Stronger, Live Longer has now passed 150 delegates

Registrations are still welcome. Can't attend the 3-day Conference, but still want to participate? Consider a Pre-Conference Workshop (Oct 18) or a Single Day registration. JOIN US on Friday, Oct 20 for the Minister's Luncheon or the annual "Museums in Motion" Awards Banquet & 50th Anniversary launch.

Conference 2006 will be hosted by The Exploration Place & Two Rivers Gallery in Prince George, BC, October 18-21, 2006.

Read Minister Hagen's Letter to Conference 2006 Delegates.

Conference 2006 Program OR Register Online!

For a FREE downloadable Adobe Reader to view PDF files, please click: 

TRADE SHOW NOW SOLD OUT!  There are many OTHER ways interested suppliers & service-providers can participate! Contact Cordelia Horsburgh at (250) 356-5700 or by email:

SEAT SALES!  Both Air Canada & WestJet have again posted seat sales this week, as announced on BCMA-L. You can book your travel to Prince George directly, online and save 
at: Air Canada or WestJet

Watch here and on our BCMA-L listserv for updates and announcements. 

Museums Roundup -
Summer Issue #235

The Summer edition is enroute! Special Thanks to Ehmann Printing in Kelowna, BC for assisting in the completion of this issue...

...A Farewell from the Editor by Christin Geall; Advancing the Conference Continuum; Conference 2006 Highlights; Book Review: Max Wyman's "The Defiant Imagination: Why Culture Matters"; Past Participle; "Paula Gustafson" A Memoir; Geek Speak: "Museum Space & Museum Cyberspace"; Whoo's News and more...!

Click to become a Subscriber... 
OR for an Advertiser (Ad Rate Sheet)

New Minister, BCMA
Big Brothers, Big Sisters

Minister of Tourism, Sport and the Arts, The Honourable Stan Hagen (centre) today proclaimed September as Big Brother Big Sister Month "to honour British Columbians who have made a significant contribution to the lives of thousands of young people."

(Photo: Jim Harding, Executive Director, Minister Stan Hagen & President Debbie Trueman at September 12th announcement at the Royal BC Museum, Victoria, BC)

BCMA member museums and art galleries will offer all Big Brother and Big Sister volunteer mentors and their "littles" free admission during September as our part of this joint initiative...

Read the
Ministry's official News Release.
Read the BCMA's Speaking Notes for today's official announcement.
Review a
Directory of BC's Big Brother, Big Sister Agencies

A quick reference list of current Member Museums & Art Galleries by region has been posted on the Membership homepage...
"Heritage Facility Planning Workshops" in Vernon & North Vancouver: Advance Registration (Only!) Forms Available HERE!

BCMA has teamed with the Canadian Conservation Institute to offer--for the first time in Canada!--CCI's 2-day, Heritage Facility Planning Workshop in two BC locations, on successive weekends in September, under BCMA's continuing Regional Workshops Series. Guest instructors will be Siegfried Rempel & Brian Laurie-Beaumont.

September 16-17, 2006: Co-hosted by the Greater Vernon Museum & Archives, and Vernon Public Art Gallery. Registration Deadline:  12:00 Noon, Friday, September 15 to BCMA.
Download the Registration Form for Vernon 

September 23-24, 2006: Hosted by North Vancouver Museum & Archives.
Registration Deadline: 12:00 Noon, Friday, September 22, 2006 to BCMA. 
Download the Registration Form for North Vancouver 
Registrants will also be eligible for a discount on their Conference 2006 registration

Watch BCMA-L for updates & confirmation of Special Accommodation arrangements...

BCMA Issues 2nd (& Final) Request for Proposals: ’Managing Editor’

BCMA invites proposals for the annual, contracted role of Managing Editor to produce the Association’s quarterly Museums Roundup publication, beginning with the 2006-07 membership year & the Fall 2006 issue. 

the formal Request for Proposals (RFP). 
Download the Spring Issue #234 (PDF format).

Deadline: Proposals to be received by 5:00pm, Monday, September 18, 2006.
UPDATE! Second Call for 2006- 07 Council Nominations Issued

BCMA members are invited to submit names for consideration to Council’s Nomination Committee to be presented for membership approval at the 2006 AGM at Conference 2006 in Prince George, BC on Saturday, October 21, 2006. Council is looking to fill two vacant positions for the 2006-07 membership year. Download the Call for Nominations Form.

Deadline for advance Nominations is Friday, September 29, 2006.

 New Minister Announced; New
 Minister of State to Attend Conference
The Honourable Stan Hagen (at left) was named Minister of Tourism, Sport and the Arts on August 15. Former Minister, Olga Ilich is the new Minister of Labour and Citizens’ Services. Surrey-White Rock MLA Gordon Hogg (below) rejoins cabinet as the new Minister of State for ActNow BC, under the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts, and will attend Conference 2006 as the featured guest speaker at the Minister's Luncheon, on behalf of Minister Hagen, scheduled to be out-of-province.

Read Minister Hagen's Letter to Conference 2006 Delegates.

Conference 2006: Fit at Fifty will launch BCMA's yearlong 50th. Anniversary celebrations   and will mark the return of the "Minister's Luncheon", once a BCMA Conference tradition.
Additional Program details are available (see above). The Minister's Luncheon is scheduled for 12:30pm on Friday, October 20, 2006.

Tickets are available with Conference 2006 registration & included in delegates' Complete Registration package. 

Nominations Close for 2006 "Museums in Motion" Awards, Bursaries 

BCMA's Awards Committee is hard at work reviewing a record  number of award nominations and bursary applications.
Each year, m
embers nominate colleagues, organizations, volunteers or sponsors deserving of provincial recognition for their efforts, contributions or dedication to BC's museums, art galleries and heritage community, for BCMA's exclusive Museums in Motion Award (at left).

Applications by the annual June 30th deadline, are also invited for The Hardcastle Bursary and The Joe Nagel Technology Bursary, both offering up to $1,000
for training.

UPDATE!  BCMA also invites institutions, organizations, suppliers, individuals & corporate partners to sponsor a Museums in Motion Award for 2006. Up to five are presented annually at the Conference Awards Banquet & five will be presented at Conference 2006. Four awards are still available for sponsorship. Please contact Cordelia Horsburgh at (250) 356-5700 or by email:

View the 2006
Museums in Motion Award Guidelines & Nomination form.
The Hardcastle Bursary Guidelines & Application form.
 View The Joe Nagel Technology Bursary
Guidelines & Application form.

 Review 2005 Recipients. For a brief history & list of Past Recipients...
2006 Keynote Speaker Confirmed

BCMA is very pleased to announce that Dr. Robert Janes, noted author, museum/heritage consultant, and co-editor of the recently published "Looking Reality in the Eye: Museums and Social Responsibility", has agreed to participate in Conference 2006 as this year's keynote speaker and presenter.

BCMA's work with BC Heritage to develop the Province's heritage strategy, support for a new national museums policy, and participation in the Minister's Arts and Culture Summit, (below) make Dr. Janes an excellent and timely choice for Conference 2006. 

Watch the Conference homepage for future updates...

BCMA & AABC Co-host Reception,
Make Several Announcements
BCMA and the Archives Association of BC shared the stage to make several major announcements to the 60+ guests at the Burnaby Art Gallery (at left), June 23.

Read the Summary of Announcements.
MP Jim Abbott's Letter to Guests.

This edition of BCMA's Regional Open House Receptions complemented the preceding 1-day Regional Workshop, Canadian Museums Association's Insurance Seminar: Everything You Need to Know About Insurance... But Were Afraid to Ask!  at the Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, which in
cluded admission to Burnaby Village Museum and Burnaby Art Gallery exhibits.

Comment on the Special Announcements to: 
Is your museum or art gallery interested in hosting a Regional Workshop & Reception?
Please email BCMA to: 

It’s Bon Voyage to the "Coastal Conference 2007" - Maybe Later...
Citing well-considered member input, the culmination of 50th Anniversary celebration plans, and a desire for BCMA's main event to be as inclusive and accessible to as many members as possible, the BCMA Council has decided against proceeding with the proposed "Coastal Conference" in 2007.

The announcement was made at the BCMA/AABC Regional Open House Reception at Burnaby Art Gallery on June 23rd. Review the online Survey Findings.

Pending anticipated City Council approval, Richmond, BC, who originally inquired in 2004 about Conference 2007, will be next year's host. Watch HERE and on BCMA-L for updates.

Museums Roundup -
Spring Issue

The Spring edition offers diverse features and op ed pieces, and is the first issue under a new publishing arrangement with Ehmann's Printing of Kelowna.

..."Museum Visibility: An Interview with Dr. Mario Bucolo" by David Alexander; "Footprints in Stone: Aboriginal Heritage" by Ruth Stubbs; "From Diary to Blog: Creating Viable Museum Blogs for the Small Museum" by Oana Capota; "A Conservator's Top Ten" by Diane Falvey; "When Will This Diet End?" by Margaret Drysdale; Whoo's News and more...

The Summer 2006 "Conference" issue is coming! 

 Become a Subscriber... 
OR for an Advertise (Ad Rate Sheet)

UPDATE!  BCMA has issued an RFP for a Managing Editor (see above) to begin with the Fall 2006 issue. Deadline for Proposals is: 5:00pm, Monday, September 18, 2006.

May 18: International Museums Day
2006: Museums & Young People

Celebrated all over the world since 1977, ICOM (International Council of Museums) has chosen "Museums and Young People" as this year's timely theme.

Visit the ICOM/IMD website

How can BC's museums better engage our young people? As visitors? As volunteers? As a rewarding career? As future leaders and stewards of BC's rich heritage? It's food for thought...
Reply to:

BCMA wishes to recognize and celebrate the dedication and contributions made to BC's museums by board members, professionals, administrative staff, volunteers and young people as summer students, interns and Young Canada Works program participants on this International Museums Day 2006. Bravo!

Read: ICOM's Definition of a Museum
Read: Canadian Museums Association statement
Read: "BC Celebrates International Museums Day" & BC "Backgrounder" (PDF)
issued by the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts

Museums, Art Galleries Sign-up for BCMA's GO Card Program

A province-wide campaign to sign-up member institutions for BCMA's Member GO Card Program was launched at the Regional Reception in Prince George, BC on March 24.

Sponsor decals were presented to Tracy Calogheros, Conference 2006 hosts The Exploration Place, and to Peter Thompson(r), Two Rivers Gallery, by Executive Director Jim Harding.

To become a participating Member GO Card Benefits Program sponsor:
Call BCMA's Member Services Coordinator, Shelley Gauthier at: (250) 356-5700
OR Email:

BCMA Participates in Minister's Summit
Minister Olga Ilich invited BCMA to participate in a summit of BC's cultural leaders on April 11 in Vancouver, BC.

Arts and Culture: Building BC's Creative Agenda, moderated by Max Wyman, featured keynote speakers Glen Murray, ("the economic and social impact of the creative community"), and David Baxter, ("How BC's changing demographics will affect the cultural sector"), was a process aimed at "building an action focused roadmap for cultural development in British Columbia; a package of ideas, proposals and arguments that will frame a cultural strategy for this province." Watch here and in upcoming Museums Roundup for outcomes and next steps.

Review: Building BC's Creative Agenda's 
posed questions...
Comment to BCMA:

New Member GO Cards in Circulation, Province-Wide 
Your personalized BCMA membership card is your passport to "members only" information, services and resources throughout BCMA's interactive website, (See Member Login), as well as privileged admission and purchase prices at participating museums and art galleries, PLUS all Budget and Choice Hotels across Canada.

New GO Cards are now in action, including a cardholder brochure outlining member benefits, privileges and how to use your personalized BCMA Member GO Card. 
Watch here and on BCMA-L listserv for Sponsor and benefit updates.

To get your own personalized BCMA GO Card: JOIN ONLINE

Memorial Service Held for
Dr. Michael Ames

UBC Museum of Anthropology hosted a memorial
service for former Director, Dr. Michael Ames, Ph.D., CM, FRSC and Professor Emeritus, University of
British Columbia, on March 20, 2006.

Dr. Ames, 72, passed away February 20, 2006.
Michael was much beloved by the museums community and a former BCMA Council member.

Read MOA's tribute including a brief statement by current Director, Dr. Anthony Shelton.


  Member Login
  For access to "Members Only" information, online services and
resources; claim Member Rates for Conference, Regional Workshops,
publications and more; list in the Directory or Learning Resource Database...

Please ENTER the following from
your BCMA Member GO Card &
Click "Sign-In".

Members are only required to login ONCE per visit to navigate
throughout the site.

To obtain your own personalized BCMA Member GO Card, please
Click-on "Membership" above to join online. 

For assistance, please contact our 
Member Services Coordinator at: 
(250) 356-5700

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Go Card #:
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