AMOL Australian Museums and Galleries OnLine
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24 May 2005

Collections Australia Network (CAN) Goes Live!!

After a twelve-month redevelopment, Collections Australia Network (CAN) is now live!! Unlike AMOL, which focussed exclusively on museums and galleries, CAN's online services are now available to ALL not-for-profit, public access collecting organisations in all sectors, including libraries and archives. CAN's services will be targeted particularly at small and medium collecting institutions (SMCs) in regional areas.

Maintenance of the AMOL site will shortly be discontinued now that Collections Australia Network (CAN) has come online. AMOL will remain online while content is migrated to CAN whereafter, the former will be archived and deactivated.

As much of the information in AMOL's National Guide to Collecting Institutions is now out of date, we are inviting collecting organisations to update their online entries by completing the "Apply to be a partner" form which can be found in the top, right-hand corner (in the blue rectangle) of the CAN homepage

We will then notify you - by phone - of your CAN username and password, which allows you to update, edit or delete your own CAN-hosted institutional webpage. Unlike AMOL, CAN allows you to make these changes yourself, at any time. All you will need is access to an internet capable computer. You can also customize your hosted webpage to suit your organisation's particular needs by adding collection records and descriptions, featured highlights, weblinks, images, news releases, exhibition and/or event notices.

Registered Partners also have access to dedicated News, Event, Exhibition and Job Posting discussion lists (that replace AMOL's AMF Discussion Forum).

You may find that you will need help getting started in which case, we would encourage you to contact this office. A CAN-user manual is being created, and should be available for download by the middle of this year.

CAN Partner applicants are presently covered by the provisions of the AMOL licence. CAN however is reviewing its future licencing requirements and licencees will be notified in advance of any changes recommended by this review.

For more information email or phone 02 9217 0347

24 May 2005

Collections Australia Network (CAN) launches outreach and training services

Collections Australia Network is pleased to welcome Joy Suliman to the team as the CAN Outreach Officer. Joy will be providing information and user-training sessions to both small and medium collecting institutions (SMCs), as well as service delivery organisations in each state and territory.

"I'll be showing users - and trainers - how to create and customise their own hosted webpages, and how they can then easily add collection records and descriptions, featured highlights, weblinks, images, news releases, exhibition and/or event notices", said Ms Suliman, who added "that CAN's services are freely available to any SMC with access to any internet capable computer".

Joy will be giving briefing sessions and running user-training workshops throughout Australia during the next twelve months, and is keen to hear from individual and groups involved with planning regional chapter meetings, conferences, and other professional development fora. Initial CAN-user training workshops were run in Sydney during the Museums Australia National Conference in early May, with follow-on workshops now being planned for July, in Queensland. To arrange a training or information session at your event or venue, contact Joy at CAN on 02 9217 0347 or email





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