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The Alberta Museums Association:

Our Vision: to be a dynamic museum community, inspired by excellence.

Home Advisory Services Membership Annual Conference Learning Publications The MA:INline Contact Us

The Association


Link to the Virtual Museum of Canada - Directory of Canadian Museums

Looking for a museum in Alberta (or anywhere else in Canada)? The Canadian Heritage Information Network, in partnership with the Canadian Museums Association, has produced a directory of museums in Canada. Please visit the Virtual Museum of Canada website in order to access this valuable directory.


map_new.gif (3115 bytes) Reminder! The 2006 Operations Grant Deadline is March 1st

Eligible members can submit a grant application for up to $1500.00, without matching funds, for their 2006 operating expenses.

The application form is available on our Grants page.


The Alberta Museums Association Annual Conference

We are looking for Session Proposals for our 2006 Annual Conference, to be held in Calgary (late in September or early October, 2006). If you are interested in submitting a Session Proposal, please download the forms available on our Conference page.

We have provided a listing of past Alberta Museums Association Conferences (including a copy of Joanne DiCosimo's Keynote Address from the 2005 Centennial Conference), with session and program information for your reference.


The Affirmation Program map_new.gif (3115 bytes)

The guidelines and application forms for the Alberta Museums Association's Affirmation Program are provided for download in both Rich Text Format and in Portable Document Format (pdf).


The Alberta Museums Association Grants Program

The guidelines and application forms for the Alberta Museums Association Grants Program are provided for download in both Rich Text Format and in Portable Document Format (pdf). For more information about the Alberta Museums Association Grants Program and the eligibility criteria, contact the Grants Co-ordinator at: 


Our Advisory Services


Membership Information


Publications and Resources


The Museum Excellence Program

The Museum Excellence Program, developed by the Alberta Museums Association, is an institutional performance measurement program. It enables a museum to measure its current performance, identify its strengths and weaknesses, plan for the future and strive for excellence.


Update for Standard Practices Handbook for Museums: Second Edition

In the original printing (print date of 2001) of the Alberta Museums Association publication: Standard Practices Handbook for Museums, the section entitled "Disposal" in the Collections Unit on page 200 has a number of inaccuracies. These have been corrected in the more recent reprinting of the Standard Practices Handbook for Museums (print date of 2003). For anyone who may have the earlier printing of the Handbook, you can download a PDF file of the addedum of the new "Disposals" section here.


Thinking About Starting a Museum?
A Discussion Guide and Workbook on Museums and Heritage Projects

This Guide/Workbook is a print and Web resource that is available free-of-charge to community groups in Alberta who are considering starting a museum. Click here for more information about what your group should consider before starting a museum.


Emergency Response Network

The Alberta Museums Association's Emergency Response Network is a group of museum workers with training or experience in emergency recovery of museum objects who are willing to be contacted to assist museums in the event of an emergency that threatens a museum's collections. Please download the pdf document for a the Emergency Response Network's Phone List.


This site last revised: 02/02/06  © Alberta Museums Association
Museums Alberta acknowledges the ongoing financial support of Alberta Community Development through the Lottery-funded Alberta Historical Resources Foundation and grant support from the Museum Assistance Program, Department of Canadian Heritage