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CCI Newsletter, No. 21, March 1998

Turning A Page: Helen Burgess Retires

by Cliff McCawley, Director, Conservation and Scientific Services, and Season Tse, Conservation Scientist, Conservation Processes and Materials Research

Helen Diana Burgess, one of CCI's longest serving and most successful conservation scientists, retired in January of this year. After obtaining an Honours B.Sc. from the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, an M.Sc. in chemistry (specializing in protein chemistry) from the University of British Columbia, and an M.A.C. in conservation science from the Art Conservation Program at Queen's University, Kingston, Helen joined CCI in 1978. She worked in the Conservation Processes Research Division, conducting research on the effects of conservation treatments on paper. Over the years Helen, a Senior Conservation Scientist since 1987, published widely and was responsible for greatly extending our knowledge and understanding of conservation processes for paper and textiles. Both nationally and internationally, Helen is renowned as a researcher and a leading expert in the areas of cellulose degradation analysis, conservation bleaching, washing, enzyme applications on paper, as well as aqueous and mass deacidification of paper. Her handbook "Practical Considerations for Conservation Bleaching" remains a frequently used reference by many conservators.


  Figure 1

In 1988 Helen co-ordinated CCI's international symposium "Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works on Paper." Both the conference and its proceedings were significant contributions to the paper conservation profession. Helen also co-ordinated major research projects for the Canadian Council of Archives and the Chairman's Committee for Preserving Documentary Heritage.

Helen's career truly has had a lasting impact on her many conservation friends and colleagues, as witnessed by their outpouring of concern over the past few years while she has been on medical leave. Away from the office, Helen has many passions in life, including beautiful objects and flowers of all kinds, particularly roses. She also is an accomplished artist, and enjoys spending time with her many friends and doing volunteer work. From all of your friends and colleagues at CCI, Helen, we thank you for your outstanding contribution to the success of the Institute, and we wish you a very happy retirement.

Last Updated: 2005-6-16

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