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CCI In Action

Treatment of the Lead Plaque of Jean de Brébeuf

By: Charlotte Newton,
Publication Date: 3/1/1990 12:00:00 PM

Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons, near the present-day town of Midland, Ontario, was established as a Jesuit mission in 1639. For 10 years it served as a retreat for Jesuit missionaries working in small villages in Huronia and as a centre of French culture in the area. The Hurons were allies and trading partners of the French and had firm control over this area, which was valuable for its strategic location and rich fur trade. Ongoing hostilities between the Huron and the Iroquois reached a peak in 1648-49, resulting in decimation of the once large Huron nation and withdrawal of the French from Huronia. In March 1649 two Jesuit Fathers, Jean de Brébeuf and Gabriel Lalemant, were tortured and put to death by the Iroquois. Several days later their remains were recovered by the Jesuits and returned to Sainte-Marie, where they were interred together. Later the same year, the Jesuits themselves destroyed Sainte-Marie to prevent it from falling into the hands of the Iroquois.

In 1954, during excavations at Sainte-Marie, a small lead plaque was discovered. The plaque inscribed

P. Jean de Brebeuf
bruslé par les Iroquois
le 17 de mars l'an

identified this as the burial place of the Jesuit martyrs. The plaque has been on display since 1971 at the interpretation centre of the reconstructed mission of Sainte-Marie Among the Hurons. Several years ago the plaque began to actively corrode, as white corrosion products started to form on the grey plaque. When the extent of corrosion noticeably increased, the plaque was sent to CCI for treatment.

We were unable to find a reason for the plaque beginning to corrode or for the increase in the rate of deterioration. There had been no change in the local environment or the display case in recent years.

The plaque was very heavy for its size, indicating the presence of a good deal of metallic lead. It was dark grey in colour, with an uneven, patchy surface and areas of dark brown discoloration. Black material appeared to highlight some of the incised letters and white fluffy powder covered areas of active corrosion. The corrosion products were identified as basic lead carbonate and possibly lead formate. Basic lead carbonate was also identified in a sample of the black material by Analytical Research Services staff Jane Sirois, Marie-Claude Corbeil and Elizabeth Moffatt. An earlier analysis by Jane Sirois and Judi Miller detected lead acetate. These are the forms of corrosion that normally occur on lead in the presence of organic acid vapours. Basic lead carbonate can protect the lead underneath if it has formed in a homogeneous layer that is strongly adherent. However, in the presence of small amounts of organic acid vapours, basic lead carbonate forms as a loose, non-adherent powder. The organic acid vapours stimulate corrosion and act as a catalyst. Once active corrosion has started, it can continue for a prolonged period in the presence of carbon dioxide alone, the organic acid being regenerated and largely reused as the porous corrosion layer thickens.

We had two priorities in conserving the plaque: to halt the ongoing corrosion and to document the plaque as fully as possible.

The plaque was examined by x-radiography. The incised lettering appeared to be present to varying depths in the metallic lead, not just in the corrosion layer. A number of corrosion pits or casting flaws also showed up on the radiograph, suggesting that a completely stripped surface might be quite pockmarked.

There are several different approaches which have been used for the treatment of lead: stripping the corrosion product by chemical or electrolytic methods; and reducing the corrosion products back to metallic lead by chemical or electrolytic means. It was necessary to remove, decrease or convert the corrosion to allow access to the lead acetates and formates, the source of the ongoing corrosion. Though these are both readily soluble in water, they were not accessible under the carbonate layer.

Before choosing the most appropriate treatment for the plaque, we decided to do a series of experimental treatments on corroded lead samples. The first step was to prepare the corroded test samples. Pieces of lead were prepared to approximately the same size as the plaque, with incised lines or lettering. They were put into a humidity chamber to corrode, in the presence of moisture, carbon dioxide and oak shavings (a source of acetic acid). Needless to say, the lead samples steadfastly refused to corrode for the first several months. After six months, most of the lead samples had at last built up a layer of white lead carbonate and were ready for the experimental treatments.

In the meantime we began to consider our other priority - documentation of the plaque. CCI staff have already benefitted from research on a laser scanner being done at the Photonics and Sensors Section, Laboratory for Intelligent Systems, Division of Electrical Engineering, National Research Council of Canada. Laser scanning seemed the best way to accurately and minutely record the surface detail of the plaque, and to enable a replica to be made without directly handling the surface. The laser scanner records information on dimension and reflectivity. On the plaque, which is about 9.4 cm by 5.2 cm, the NRC laser scanner was used to record data at 1500 points across the long side and 1000 points across the short side — a total of 1,500,000 pieces of information. The data were stored in a computer, where they could then be manipulated a variety of ways or used to control a milling or engraving device to produce a replica. In previous work, NRC had never tried to engrave detail as fine as the corrosion layer of the plaque, so it was necessary to find a suitable engraving material. Several materials were tested, including modern resins, foams and lead. It turned out that there was a low-tech answer for this high-tech situation — plaster. Cast blocks of moulding plaster were found to take a high degree of detail. Though plaster is physically a soft and easily damaged material, it is very stable chemically. Several copies of the plaque were engraved, each copy taking about two days to cut. These plaster replicas can now be coloured to closely resemble the original or can be used to make further reproductions.

Once the lead test pieces were corroded we started testing several possible treatments: electrolytic consolidative reduction in sodium hydroxide or sulphuric acid electrolyte; consolidative reduction in sodium dithionite (a strong reducing agent); and dissolution of the corrosion products in a chelating agent (DTPA — diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid — or EDTA — ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid). Consolidative reduction is often used on objects in which the surface detail is present only in the corrosion layers and not in the metallic lead. In this case, the only way to save the information on the surface of the object is to convert the corrosion into metal. The corrosion is more voluminous than the metal, so when the corrosion is reduced to metal, the resulting surface has a less compact, lacy appearance — not the original surface. In our trials we found that the electrolytic methods produced unpredictable results. It is also not possible to see what is happening during the process, since the object is sandwiched between layers of sponge to keep the corrosion in place.

The sodium dithionite treatment also results in reduction of lead corrosion to metallic lead. However the newly converted lead did not remain on the object. A dark grey deposit on the bottom of the treatment container was identified as lead by Jane Sirois. The surface of the test pieces after treatment was uneven in colour, and some corrosion remained in the incised lines.

The best results were produced by cleaning in DTPA or EDTA. We chose DTPA, since it is already used to treat lead objects in the CCI Archaeology section. The plaque was immersed in a bath of DTPA and almost immediately, it began to react, with small bubbles forming on the surface as the lead carbonate became soluble, releasing carbon dioxide. The uneven discoloration on the surface began to disappear, being replaced by an overall lighter grey colouring. At the same time, the black material highlighting the lettering became more apparent. After about one and a half hours in DTPA, the appearance of the plaque had greatly improved: the lettering was easier to read, and the colour was more even. The lead carbonate layer was much thinner, and the metallic lead was exposed at the corners and in several spots on the surface. We stopped the treatment at this point, because the appearance was better with part of the corrosion layer left in place, rather than completely stripped. Partial cleaning may also have allowed the lead acetates or formates to dissolve.

The plaque was washed in running tap water and in changes of boiled distilled water to remove chemical residues. It was rinsed through acetone, dried and immediately placed in a desiccator containing dried silica gel and activated charcoal.

Lyndsie Selwyn, a conservation scientist in the Conservation Processes Research laboratory at CCI, conducted a literature survey and provided advice and assistance at all stages of the treatment.

Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9

Figure 10   Figure 11

Last Updated: 2005-6-16

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